Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The And Drug Abuse Treatment At The Summer Of 2007

Famous celebrity Lindsay Lohan was admitted to Malibu’s Promises Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment Facility in the summer of 2007. When people hear about celebrities and their admittance to alcohol treatment facilities, people often wonder how the celebrity ended up in this position. Well in Lindsay Lohan’s case, her father was incarcerated for driving under the influence of alcohol. With this knowledge, it is easy to see how Lindsay would follow in the alcoholic footsteps of her father. To further demonstrate this inference, Lindsay wrote a song to her father, â€Å"Confessions of a Broken Heart†. This song addresses the troubled relationship she had with her father (Lindsay, 2007, pg.1). After the given examples, it is easy to see how an unstable home life could lead to alcoholism. There are a number of circumstances that can lead to an unstable home life. Divorce, alcoholism, fighting and abuse are all but a few of the situations that would lead one to believe that they are living within an unstable home. When dealing with alcoholic problems in a home it is said that, â€Å"offspring of alcoholics are thought to be at risk for poor emotional regulation† (Chassin, 1999, pg.107). This means that the children of alcoholics cannot cope with their emotions in a healthy manner. The absence of a healthy coping with emotions can cause an individual to feel lost and alone. Therefore, they look for ways to get away from home, since home has become an uncomfortable place. It is humanShow MoreRelatedRecidivism And The Correctional System1722 Words   |  7 Pagescorrectional system. It is also a commonality in other aspects of the criminal justice system. I chose to research the topic of recidivism for many reasons, one of them is that it relates to my experience because many of the residents I interacted with this summer had been involved with the system more than one time and in fact many of them have been through the L/M CBCF’s program multiple times. One of the females who is currently going through the program had been to the facility five times prior to thisRead MoreChild Is A Boy Or Girl?1730 Words   |  7 Pagessituations of neglect it more times than others as a result of an unstable mother due to the leading cause of substance abuse quickly followed by mental health issues or poverty. According to Donohue et al, 2014, â€Å" more than 8 million children in the united states have at least one parent who abuses substances, with the percentage of women evidencing severe levels of illicit drug use increasingly relative to me†(p. 707). 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Economic classes are important factors in success rates of suicidal teens who receive treatme nt and those who do not. For young people between the ages of 10 ­24, suicide is the third leading cause of death (CDC, 2014). Suicide is preventable, but we need to be aware of the causes, treatments and solutionsRead MoreSociological Theories, Conflict, Structural Functionalism And Symbolic Interaction1588 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the FBI statistics about five infants under the age of 1 are killed each week in the United States. No particular geographical location exists for this type of crimes; filicide occurs everywhere and in any place. It appears that the seasons; summer, spring, winter or fall, weekend or weekday, nothing put a halt to the crime. The research noted that the most common methods of killing by parents were with â€Å"personal weapons,† such as choking, beating, or drowning. Caucasian men and women between

Monday, December 16, 2019

Detection Step Free Essays

string(95) " new edges representing parent’s relationships to children according to class diagrams3\." Detection step:gh4h This step speaks about the detection design pattern in structural method or approach.Speake about the roles that important to define a pattern The specific relationship that used to detect the pattern. The high tolerance in detection to archive the high recall because the high precision will archive using ML step How extract and calculate the metrices for roles detected for that two patterns have similar structure. We will write a custom essay sample on Detection Step or any similar topic only for you Order Now How decide the feature have appear in dataset depends of feature selection stepGive this dataset as input for classifier model created by learning step. The output will be classified roles for which pattern belongs.Specific things that recall less than 70% accuracy will taken as FP. Detection step (speak about detection the DP and their roles using highly tolerance design pattern detection approaches based in structure of design pattern and enhancing DPD tool to get all possible result might be DP. Extract selected metrics for this roles and give it to trained model to apply classification.Make comparing and performance and validation for models (FS vs notFS) (OP vs Not OP) (ensemble vs not for SVM, Ann, deep)? The comparative measure accuracy †¦. · Experiment and the result (I will use two pattern adapter and command to classification similar roles between those patterns , the accuracy will be model result accuracy and comparing the result with benchmark and previous studiesDetection step. The detection phase is divided into two steps: the structural detection design pattern roles step and roles distinguish step. The input in the first step will be the source code that we want to detect design pattern from, and the output is design pattern candidate roles, while the aim of our study distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural aspect the similar roles between two patterns will come out with the same name, the second step input is the candidate roles that are out of the first step and will be entered as input into learned classifier to classify roles according to which design pattern belongs. First step: structural detection Design pattern candidate is a group of classes, each class represents a role in design pattern and these classes connected together with a relationship according to the particular structure of design pattern. The similarities in design patterns occur due to the similarity of the structure of the corresponding patterns (the object-oriented relationship between these classes is same). This similarity leads to the problem of distinguishing between roles in similar structure design pattern that mean every role are corresponding to a role in another design pattern. Though identical in structure, the patterns are completely different in purpose In this step, the input will be the source code, and the output is a data-set that contains design pattern candidate roles associated with class metrics, as shown in figure?. To detect design pattern, we adjusted Tsantalis et al. work to produce similar roles in similar structural design patterns.for example, in state and strategy design patterns, there are two roles that influence the confusion of patterns (Strategy and State, Strategy_Context and State_Context ), the identical roles detected in this step will be under the same label(Strategy /State, Context). We have adapted a Tsantalis et al. approach to detect candidate by extending the definition of a design pattern roles to identify a set of design pattern roles with more tolerance regardless of the false positive and false negative results are permissible in this step that will be covered in next step using learned classifier model. next, software metrics for each design pattern roles produced are calculated and based on the feature selection step in learning phase meticas were selected to present them as features in a dataset, then the dataset normalized to prepare for next step. Second step: distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural.In this step, each design pattern role produced in the previous step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in the learning phase in order to determine which design pattern the design pattern role belong to, that the classifier is expert on. each similar structural design pattern roles are classified by a separate classifier with different subsets of features selected by feature selection method to best represent each one of them. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the con- fidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.4.——————————A. Chihada et al.Design pattern detection phase The input of this phase is a given source code and the output is design pattern instances existing in the given source code. To per-form this phase, the proposed method uses the classifiers learned in the previous phase to detect what groups of classes of the given source code are design pattern instances. This phase is divided into two steps, preprocessing and detection.3.2.1. Preprocessing In this section, we try to partition a given system source code into suitable chunks as candidate design pattern instances. Tsanalis et al. [7] presented a method for partitioning a given source code based on inheritance hierarchies, so each partition has at most one or two inheritance hierarchy. This method has a problem when some design pattern instances involving characteristics that extend beyond the subsystem boundaries (such as chains of delegations) cannot be detected. Furthermore, in a number of design patterns, some roles might be taken by classes that do not belong to any inheritance hierarchy (e.g., Context role in the State/Strategy design patterns [1]). In order to improve the limitations of the method presented in[7], we propose a new procedure that candidates each combination of b classes as a design pattern instance, where b is the number of roles of the desired design pattern. Algorithm 1 gives the pseudocode for the proposed preprocessing procedure. Algorithm 1.   The proposed preprocessing procedureInput: Source code class diagrams Output: Candidate design pattern instances1. Transform given source code class diagrams to a graph G2. Enrich G by adding new edges representing parent’s relationships to children according to class diagrams3. You read "Detection Step" in category "Papers" Search all connected subgraphs with b number of vertices from G as candidate design pattern instances4. Filter candidate design pattern instances that haven’t any abstract classes or interfaces 3.2.2. Design pattern detectionIn this step, each candidate combination of classes produced in the preprocessing step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in Phase I of the proposed method in order to identify whether the candidate combination of classes is related to the design pattern that the classifier is expert on. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the confidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.Phase One (Intra-Class Level)The primary goal of phase one is to reduce the searchspace by identifying a set of candidate classes for every rolein each DP, or in other words, removing all classes that aredefinitely not playing a particular role. By doing so, phase oneshould also improve the accuracy of the overall recognitionsystem. However, these goals or benefits are highly dependenton how effective and accurate it is. Although some falsepositives are permissible in this phase, its benefits can becompromised if too many candidate classes are passed to phasetwo (e.g. _ 50% of the number of classes in the softwareunder analysis). On the other hand, if some true candidateclasses are misclassified (they become false negatives), thefinal recall of the overall recognition system will be affected.So, a reasonable compromise should be struck in phase oneand it should favour a high recall at the cost of a low precision.Phase Two (Inter-Class Level)In this phase, the core task of DP recognition is performedby examining all possible combinations of related roles’ candidates. Each DP is recognized by a separate classifier, whichtakes as input a feature vector representing the relationshipsbetween a pair of related candidate classes. Similarly, to rolesin phase one, different DPs have different subsets of featuresselected to best represent each one of them. Input featurevectors and model training are discussed in section V. The work that we present in this paper is built on the ideas of [11] where the author presents design pattern detection method based on similarity scoring algorithm.In the context of design pattern detection, the similarity scoring algorithm is used for calculating similarity score between a concrete design pattern and analyzed system. Let GA(system) and GB(pattern) be two directed graphs with NA and NB vertices. The similarity matrix Z isdefined as an NBÃâ€"NA matrix whose entry SIJ expresses how similar vertex J (in GA) is to vertex I (in GB) and is called similarity score between two vertices (I and J). Similarity matrix Z is computed in iterative way: 0In [11] authors define a set of matrices for describing specific (pattern and software system) features (for example associations, generalizations, abstract classes). For each feature, a concrete matrix is created for pattern and for software system, too (for example association matrix, generalization matrix, abstract classes matrix). This processleads to a number of similarity matrices of size NBÃâ€"NA (one for each described feature). To obtain overall picture for the similarity between the pattern and the system, similarity information is exploited from all matrices.In the process of creating final similarity matrix, different features are equivalent. To preserve the validity of the results, any similarity score must be bounded within therange ?0, 1?. Higher similarity score means higher possibility of design pattern instance. Therefore, individual matrices are initially summed and the resulting matrix is normalized by dividing the elements of column i (corresponding to similarity scores between all system classes and pattern role i) by the number of matrices (ki) in which the given role is involved. Tsantalis et al. in [6] introduced an approach to design pattern identification based on algorithm for calculating similarity between vertices in two graphs. System model and patterns are represented as the matrices reflecting model attributes like generalizations, associations, abstract classes, abstract method invocations, object creations etc. Similarity algorithm is not matrix type dependant, thus other matrices could be added as needed. Mentioned advantagesof matrix representation are 1) easy manipulation with the data and 2) higher readability by computer researchers. Every matrix type is created for model and pattern and similarity of this pair of matrices is calculated. This process repeats for every matrix type and all similarity scores are summed and normalized. For calculating similarity between matrices authors used equation proposed in [8]. Authors minimized the number of the matrix types because some attributes are quite common in system models, which leads to increased number of false positives. Our main concern is the adaptation of selected methods by extending their searching capabilities for design smell detection. Most anti-patterns haveadditional structural features, thus more model attributes need to be compared. We have chosen several smells attributes different from design patterns features which cannot be detected by original methods. Smell characteristics (e.g., what is many methods and attributes) need to be defined. On the other hand, some design patterns characteristics are also usable for flaw detection. Structural features included in both extended methods are: associations (with cardinality) generalizations class abstraction (whether a class is concrete, abstract or interface). 5.2 Pattern Definition Process rasoolPattern definitions are created from selection of appropriate feature types which are used by the recognition process to detect pattern instances from the source code. Precision and recall of pattern recognition approach is dependent on the accuracy and the completeness of pattern definitions, which are used to recognize the variants of different design patterns. The approach follows the list of activites to create pattern definitions. The definition process takes pattern structure or specification and identifies the majorelement playing key role in a pattern structure. A major element in each pattern is any class/interface that play central role in pattern structure and it is easy to access other elements through major element due to its connections. For example, in case of Adapter pattern, adapter class plays the role of major element. With identification of major element, the process defines feature in a pattern definition. The process iteratively identifies relevant feature types for each pattern definition. We illustrate the process of creating pattern definitions by activity diagram shown in Figure 5.3. The activity ?define feature for pattern definition? further follows the criteria for defining feature type for pattern definition. It searches the feature type in the feature type list and if the desired feature is available in the list, it selects the feature type and specifies its parameters. If the catalogue do not have desired feature in the list, the process defines new feature types for the pattern definition. The process is iterated until the pattern definition is created which can match different variants of a design pattern. The definition of feature type checks the existence of a certain feature and returns the elements that play role in the searched feature. The pattern definitions are composed from organized set of feature types by identifyingcentral roles using structural elements. The pattern definition process reduces recognition queries starting definition with the object playing pivotal role in the pattern structure. The definition process filters the matching instances when any single feature type does not match desired role. The definition of Singlton used for pattern recogniton is given below in Figure 5.2. Pattern Definition The pattern definition creation process is repeatable that user can select a single featuretype in different pattern definitions. It is customizable in the sense that user can add/remove and modify pattern definitions, which are based on SQL queries, regular expressions, source code parsers to match structural and implementation variants of different patterns. The approach used more than 40 feature types to define all the GoF patterns with different alternatives. The catalogue of pattern definitions can be extended by adding new feature types to match patterns beyond the GoF definitions.Examples of Pattern DefinitionsWe used pattern creation process to define static, dynamic and semantic features of patterns. It is clarified with examples that how features of a pattern are reused for other patterns. We selected one pattern from each category of creational, structural and behavioral patterns and complete list of all GoF pattern definitions is given in Appendix B. We describe features of Adapter, Abstract factory method and Observer in the following subsections. 5.3.1To be able to work on design pattern instances we need a way to represent them in some kindof data structure. The model used by the Joiner specifies that a design pattern can be defined from the structural point of view using the roles it contains and the cardinality relationship between couple of roles. -We describe a design motif as a CSP: each role is represented as a variable and relationsamong roles are represented as constraints among the variables. Additional variables andconstraints may be added to improve the precision and recall of the identification process.Variables have identical domains: all the classes in the program in which to identify thedesign motif. For example, the identification of micro-architectures similar to the Compositedesign motif, shown in Fig. 3, translates into the constraint system: Variables:clientcomponentcompositeleafConstraints:association(client, component)inheritance(component, composite)inheritance(component, leaf)composition(composite, component)where the four constraints represent the association, inheritance, and composition relationssuggested by the Composite design motif. When applying this CSP to identifyoccurrences of Composite in JHOTDRAW (Gamma and Eggenschwiler 1998), the fourvariables client, component, composite, and leaf have identical domainsWe seek to improve the performance and the precision of the structural identificationprocess using quantitative values by associating numerical signatures with roles in designmotifs. With numerical signatures, we can reduce the search space in two ways:– We can assign to each variable a domain containing only those classes for which thenumerical signatures match the expected numerical signatures for the role.– We can add unary constraints to each variable to match the numerical signatures of theclasses in its domain with the numerical signature of the corresponding role. These two ways achieve the same result: they remove classes for which the numericalsignatures do not match the expected numerical signature from the domain of a variable,reducing the search space by reducing the domains of the variables.Numerical signatures characterise classes that play roles in design motifs. We identifyclasses playing roles in motifs using their internal attributes. We measure these internalattributes using the following families of metrics: How to cite Detection Step, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Effects of Barings Collapse free essay sample

Effects of Barings Collapse on the Banking Industry The uncovered loss of GBP 830 million led to a liquidity crisis for the Barings Bank , the collapse of the bank, which shocked all people, not only the financial world. Over the weekend of February 25 and 26, the management of Barings tried to arrange for a bailout by the Bank of England. Several investment banks gathered to discuss the possibility of raising enough private money to recapitalize Barings before the Tokyo market reopened on Monday morning. This attempt failed because of the size of Barings’s positions in Japenese derivatives contracts, many of them still open and liable to incur still bigger losses. None of the banks wanted to take on these contracts without a large fee or a guarantee from the Bank of England that it would cover these losses. The Bank of England decided that it was not prepared to put the British taxpayers’ money at risk. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Barings Collapse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On March 3, the Dutch financial group ING offered to purchase the majority of its assets and liabilities for one single pound sterling. As there were no other options available, Barings’ directors accepted the offer of ING. This action allowed for the protection of the bank’s depositors and creditors. However, shareholders suffered the majority of the loss. Immediately following the collapse, for instance, there was no sense of crisis in Singapore even though the ill-fated bets had been made there. SIMEX, which traded the futures and options that made up Leeson’s positions, limited the effects of the crisis by taking over Barings’s contracts and managing their liquidation, thereby keeping losses at a minimum. Other effects of the collapse such as the damage done to London’s reputation for safe financial dealing and personal losses incurred by a number of Barings’s investors, is considered as a price paid for taking part in risky financial games. Moreover, February 26, 1995 was not the first time when Barings had ’gone bust’. The first ’Barings Crisis’ happened in London in 1890, however Barings managed to recover from that loss as it had other financial institutions in similar situations. Regarding the global financial system, inititally there were worries that the revelations about Barings might lead to a loss of confidence in the global financial system as well as in the financial position of many banks engaged in derivatives trading. However, there was no sign of a negative effect from the Barings collapse. On the contrary, the failure of Barings was seen as having little to do with derivatives trading and much more to do with the lack of internal management controls at Barings. Though, Barings’s collapse had some serious impacts on the international financial markets. For instance, in Tokyo nervousness caused by the Barings collapse sent stock prices downward very quickly. The Nikkei index closed down 660. 33 points, or 3. 8 percent, the largest one-day fall since the financial shock of the Kobe earthquake itself. The Barings failure pushed stock prices down in more than a dozen of countries in Asia and Europe because investors intended to recover their assets without getting caught at the time of the collapse. In addition, the British pound fell a lot against the German mark. These results show that a single financial institution located in one country (in this case in England) was able to establish trading practices in a second nation thousands of miles away (in Singapore), and thereby affect financial markets worldwide (in Hong Kong, Japan, England) through its mismanaged operations. So far, the United States has not been mentioned as being very much affected by the Barings collapse. Though, American inverstors should be concerned by international market disruptions such as those created by the Barings collapse. For instance, not long ago U. S. investors used to purchase mutual funds and closed-end funds which invest in foreign securities markets as well as acquiring the debt and equity securities of foreign issuers. As one of the further consequences of the collapse of Barings Bank, a syndicate at the Lloyd’s of London insurance market announced on 2 February 1998 that it had sold its first insurance policy covering banks for the risk of ’rouge trader’. During the mid-90s the financial world observed several significant collapses of various companies which were quite active in the field of derivatives and securities. The most well-know ones are the followings: Metallgesellschaft (1993), Kidder Peabody (April 1994), Bankers Trust (September-October 1994), Orange County (December 1994), Daiwa (September 1995). The primary concern for bank regulators to address in the aftermath of Barings is systematic risk. Systematic risk means the risk that illiquidity or failure of one institution, and its inabilty to meet its obligations when due, will lead to the illiquidity or failure of other financial institutions. Banks that engage in derivative activities without careful thinking are exposed to great risk and, as a result of this, face significant potential losses that could mean a dangeour for major firms or even for the financial system as a whole. The inability of one bank to meet its obligations has the likelihood to lead to a domino effect, toppling one financial institution after another. Another possibility is that investors lose confidence in the financial market, that is in case of a market disturbance, an otherwise containable market downturn can be made into an illiquidity-driven crash. Barings did not cause a domino effect, nor did the effects of Barings rise to the level of an illiquidity-driven crash. Though, the ever-increasing development and the use of derivatives and other innovative financial instruments suggest that any lessons from past failures should be taken into consideration. Any type of financial debacle carrries with it a risk that threatens the stability of financial markets and investors’ confidence in those markets. Conclusion: The Barings collapse did not result in worldwide financial crisis, nor did it topple institution after institution when it failed to meet its own obligations on SIMEX future contracts. However, it is the interplay of these observations that makes the Barings story not only interesting but important in the context of global financial institutions. The collapse may have alerted the world to the fact that derivatives are risky, that losses can spiral out of control virtually overnight, and that the effects of a failed financial institution are not only local but international. This case became a quite typical lesson, and the bankers, economists, financial experts, and the government regulators through out the world began to concentrate on not only restrictions and regulations externally through egislation and policies, but also supervisions of internal individual activities. If, as a result of the Barings collapse, financial institutions evaluate and improve internal contols on risk management and regulators undertake a more cooperative global approach, probably Barings-style collapses can be prevented in the future. At least, increasing the level of confidence investors have in the long-term stability of financial markets can only serve to benefit all those associated with them. http://vivian. seo-blog. org/ http://djcil.law.duke.edu/ http://www.mheducation.com/highered/home-guest.html

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sociocultural Aspects Essays - Chitto Harjo, Muscogee People

Sociocultural Aspects At the beginning of this semester, I went into a classroom without the intentions of it having any impact of my life. What I did not know was that this course held not only a vision for the future but also answers to my past. Growing up, I was influenced by a society that was inhabited almost entirely by whites. For that reason only, I have been completely unaware of any bias or unfair treatment to minority and female students. Because of this upbringing, I found many incidences discussed in class quite unbelievable. However, my views on our society and the educational system have been broadened which leads me to believe that the teachers of the future now have the key to a fair, unbias education for each student that enters the school. I was also fortunate this semester to engage in mentoring a young African-American student named James. Although this assignment was geared toward working with a student from a different culture in order to examine the differences in our lives as well as our values, I think that it was very fortunate for not only my experience but also for the student's experience that we shared so many of the same hurdles growing up. The death of a sibling as well as the experience at multiple schools as ?the new student? are just a few of the ways in which James and I were quite similar. As many people know, dealing with issues like this can be quite hazardous to how a young child develops into a functioning adult. Because James and I are linked based on our past, we were able to share with each other more honestly than we have before. With that, we grew from one another's experiences and found the answers to our past with and through each other. As I said before, the course discussions and lectures that I experienced had a dynamic impact on my personal beliefs and values. Honestly, I hardly ever had an ounce of belief in the books we read and discussed or even the topics brought up for lecture. I would walk out of the classroom each day either upset at the way people in the class viewed the educational system or the way that they portrayed the minority students being treated. I realize now that I was stubborn to the fact that there are societies other than the one I grew up in tat have it far worse than I have ever seen or even imagined. The way that I took the lectures was as a classroom made almost entirely of minority students blaming all of the problems concerning the educational system on the upper middle class. Having grown up in an upper middle class household and neighborhood I felt defensive yet took it upon myself not to verbalize my thoughts, being very concerned that one might take my comment not as defense but a s a prejudice remark. During class discussion I was able to listen to how the other students reflected on racial injustices. When I first listened to what others had to say, I can remember thinking how lucky I was that I did not live as a minority in our society. I have never had to live day to day waking up scared of what might happen to me simply because of my skin color or the things my family takes pride in. However, simply because I was raised among people who were all the same as me and had the same beliefs does not mean that it was always a good thing. In fact, I see a lot of my up bringing completely different now. For example, I was always among people who did not have to watch what they said in effort to avoid offending someone. So, when a racial comment was said among my peers or even my family, I never thought twice about it. I also made comments of my own. I never had to worry about a minority being next to me or within hearing distance so I never considered the consequences of throwing aroun d racial comments. The class time I have spent with everyone has gotten me to realize that

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Physics investigation- stopping distance Essays

Physics investigation- stopping distance Essays Physics investigation- stopping distance Paper Physics investigation- stopping distance Paper Introduction In my investigation I intend to gather enough evidence and explanation to see if and how the mass of a ball will affect its stopping distance. I will carry out a series of tests starting with changing the mass of the ball then changing height which its dropped from. Predictions I predict that the mass of a ball will most defiantly affect the distance it takes to stop because as the mass increases, the amount of friction with the surface will increase which will slow down the ball sooner. I believe if the mass of the ball is doubled the friction with the surface its on will double and therefore half the distance taken to stop. Equipment For my investigation the equipment I will require is: * A ramp and stand ( 1 metre long) * Carpet (2 by 0. 5 metres) * 2 balls of different masses but same size ( ball 1, 2. 8g and ball 2, 44. 9g) * 2 metre rules My setup My setup is pretty simple I will use a ramp with a rule along it and some carpet for the balls to roll along I will then use another rule to measure the distance taken to stop. When I first set up my equipment the balls where rolling around everywhere, to overcome this problem I decided to curl the carpet into a half bowl shape the balls then rolled smoothly down the ramp and along the carpet. Procedure Firstly I will drop the lighter ball 1, and measure its stopping distance and record this result; I will then drop the same ball another 4 times and record those results. I will average the 5 repeated results in order to gain a fair distance for the stopping distance of each ball. I will then repeat this with ball 2 and accumulate an average. All other variables for now will be kept the same (i.e. gradient of ramp, height dropped from) Test 1 In my first test I will be testing ball 1 of radius 2 cm and mass of 2. 8g, against ball 2 of radius 2 cm and mass of 44. 9g. I will be dropping the ball from 30cm up the ramp with gradient of 24. 4i , my results are: Ball 1 (cm) Ball 2 (cm) 1 115 83 2 99 84 3 108 84 4 114 87 5 112 88 Average 109. 6 85. 2 Analysis My first test supports my prediction that the mass of a ball does affect the distance that it takes to stop, although ball 2 is over 16 times heavier so I would have expected the stopping distance to be shorter. Test 2. Again I will use ball 1 and ball 2 but this time I will drop them from a height of 40cm up the ramp with gradient 24. 4i , my results are: Ball 1(cm) Ball 2(cm) 1 137 94 2 122 100 3 130 98 4 123 101 5 121 102 Average 126. 6 99 Analysis As I expected when the dropping height was increased the relationship is the same just the distances are longer, I soon realised a fatly floor in my experiment the 2 balls were made out of 2 different materials so the coefficient of friction between the 2 balls and the surface would be different for each ball making my investigation unfair and inaccurate. I decided to use a toy car and change the mass of the car by adding weights to it, this will mean that the coefficient of friction will be the same for all my tests. New equipment   toy car weights   blue tac (to attach weights to car) Test 3 Here I will be using the toy car of mass 17. 4g, and I will add 17. 4g so the cars mass will have doubled and I will further use the car plus 100g to see how this affects the stopping distance, my results are. Car no added mass (cm) Car plus Analysis From these results it is clear that my prediction is only partially correct as the mass of an object does affect its stopping distance but the relationship is not as linearly as I expected, as the mass is doubled the stopping distance is not halved this is due to the momentum that the object gains, when more mass is added the object gains more momentum proven with the momentum formulae momentum = mass velocity, so the object will travel feather with more mass, this will explain why when the mass of my car had an extra 100g it travelled a further 77. 2 cm. Although its not that simple because we have to take into account friction, as the mass increases the gravitational pull of the earth will increase which in turn increases the amount of friction between the car wheels and the surface they roll on and a greater friction will slow down the car and reduce its stopping distance, this will explain why when I added only 17. 4g the stopping distance was less . In theory there should be a certain mass that when added to an object the stopping distance will not change as the amount of extra momentum it gains will be cancelled out with the increased friction. I will extend my investigation to try and work out this quantity of mass. Test 4 Here I will again be using a toy car and I will change the mass using weights from 20g up to 90g, dropping the car from a height of 10cm and gradien Distance taken to stop (cm) Analysis. Analysing my results soon after the test I noticed a pattern within my results, although at mass 80g this was not true I decided to repeat the 80g run and found that the distance was actual higher and fit in with my other results. Total mass of car (g) Plotting a graph of my results shows the trend more clearly. As you can see from 20g 40g the stopping distance of the car decreases this is where the extra mass produces more friction than momentum, after this from 40g 90g the stopping distance increases where the momentum is now greater than the friction, due to time restrictions I will only be able to make an estimate of the extra mass needed for friction and momentum to balance I will base my estimate on the results collected and my graph, the turning point is in between 40g and 50g so I will extrapolate from these to points in order to make my estimate. Conclusion In my experiment I aimed to find out whether or not the mass of a ball affects its stopping distance and if so how does it. I started out thinking I knew what was going to happened and that friction was the only point to consider, after my second test I knew something wasnt right and decided to use the toy car, using the toy car was a massive benefit as I could change the mass so much easier and all other variables where kept the same (e. g. coefficient of friction). It was my first set of results with the toy car when I realised I had to take into account momentum this then explained everything about my previous results and everything fell into place. Feathering my investigation out of pure interest I decided to work out the balancing mass of friction and momentum but due to time restrictions I am only able to make an estimate of 42g due to extrapolating my graph. I enjoyed my physics investigation and wish I had more time to further it more.

Friday, November 22, 2019

6 steps to dealing with a forgetful boss

6 steps to dealing with a forgetful boss Every job has a secret component that never appears on a job description or annual review: managing your relationship with your boss. Unless you’re at the very top of your company’s food chain, you have a manager who works above and with you to make sure you’re doing what you need to do. But although this is a highly professional relationship, it’s also a human one, with your personality and your boss’s in play. If you have a boss who tends to forget things, or has a short attention span, the work day can feel a bit like Groundhog Day as you explain and re-explain things- but it doesn’t have to be that way. Let’s go over some strategies you can use to make sure your boss has all the info she needs, while helping you keep your sanity.1. Put it in writingWhen you come out of a meeting, or discuss something with your boss, follow up with notes soon after. That way, you have a record of what you talked about, what next steps were, what eve ryone’s responsibilities will be, etc. When your boss comes to you later to ask about topic X, you’ll be able to say, â€Å"Oh, I have the notes on that from last week. I can resend.† Then it’s just a quick email forward, and not a rehash discussion of things you’d already covered.2. Be proactiveDon’t wait for your boss to come to you with a request like, â€Å"Can you update me on X?† or â€Å"I’m blanking on what you were going to do next for Y.† Sending short, regular status updates on various projects can help keep your boss in the loop (preventing queries and you having to stop and explain things), and jog his memory about what you’re doing, and when.3. Target your informationIf you’re dealing with a boss’s short attention span (or busy-ness, or distraction) keep your discussions focused. If you have a status meeting where you update on a number of projects, send an agenda with the most importan t items highlighted, so that you can keep the discussion focused on specific points. Instead of having large meetings on a range of topics, consider having shorter meetings, each on a separate and targeted topic. Staying on-topic can prevent attention and discussions from wandering too far from the subject at hand.4. Use email more efficientlyNothing gets lost in an inbox faster than an email subject line of â€Å"Hey, quick question† or â€Å"Meeting to discuss.† The ease and portability of email often makes for casual writing, but whether you’re sending an email from your desk or on the fly from your phone, take the time to make the subject line as specific as possible. That makes it more findable in your boss’s inbox, and may help head off follow-up questions that have already been answered.5. Tailor to your boss’s personalityThink about what the core issue is here. Is he forgetful because he’s in constant meetings, and just doesn’ t have time to process information? Does she do better with visual presentations than with long-winded discussions? It’s like how teachers adapt their classrooms to how students learn. If you consider why your boss is forgetful or isn’t paying attention, it can help you figure out how to attack the issue. It doesn’t mean your boss is doing a bad job- just that her style may be different from your own.6. Turn to technologyIf you don’t feel comfortable setting reminders for your boss, there are ways to let tech do that for you. Productivity apps like Asana or Evernote can help you manage your own workload and projects, but they also have built-in tools like the ability to assign tasks to other people, send email reminders, etc. It can be a gentle way to remind your boss that he needs to send you the information you need, or sign off on something before you can proceed. Bonus: it’ll keep you more organized too!If you have a manager whose style can see m absent-minded at times, don’t despair. You can’t necessarily change your boss or his style, but you can work on the way you â€Å"manage up† to help maintain your own productivity and peace of mind.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Report On Building and Programming a LEGO Mindstorm Robot Research Paper

Report On Building and Programming a LEGO Mindstorm Robot - Research Paper Example The very first Mindstorms Robotic invention Kit comprised of two motors, two touches of sensors and a single light sensor, and yet performed well, although many improvements made on the kit comprises a number of parts. There has been an increase in the uses of these robots in daily lives (Costlow 47). In fact, engineers use these models to build a model of an embedded system with computer controlled electromechanical parts. In reality, various real life systems have borrowed a lot from these robotic models by embedding them in different systems such as elevators and industrial robots. Increasingly, many of these appliances and equipment borrow from this idea. Therefore, schools have taken to teaching engineering practices using these tools. In a group, students undertook to build a robot. Following is the report compiled after they finished exercise. Before starting the process of building and programming a LEGO, planning the procedure is the initial step of the whole process. Before commencing with the process, deciding what the group wanted to build was the first step (â€Å"Robotics Design Process†). All the required materials should be available and fully meet the requirements of the specific robot in mind. Although most of the items work for different robots, some require special parts. Methodology used in building and programming the LEGO Robot Research Research in LEGO robot building includes conducting a review of the various robots done by different people and the materials they used. Deciding on the various tasks the robot should do was one of the most important researches made. The research is a process that requires deciding on whether or not the robot can go up objects, have two or four wheels and the kind of tasks the robot can handle. Writing down the requirements helped in planning the entire robot and maki ng sure that nothing failed. Before the assembling process begun, all the materials were availed. By conducting a research on the various robots successfully made, it made it possible to add some features to make it work better. The best source of information was on blogs that have written about these robots, analysis of the performance of the robots and the LEGO website. Division the work Assembling a good robot that works properly and handles its intended tasks is not a simple task. It requires dedicated teams that show readiness and willingness to handle on every single task that assigned to them. The team settled on dividing tasks amongst themselves in order to avoid conflict of roles. For the success of any group work, members need to work as a team and show dedication in their roles. Working as a team gives better output and a more quality work as different people perform different tasks with different capacities and have different capabilities. Assembling The assembling proce ss is one of the most exciting stages of the building process. Putting the different parts to the drawn model according to the directions provided by the user manual makes a worker feel excited and happy (The Engineer 26). They started the process from the base and proceeded upwards to other parts. Experts and instructors insist on building a strong base that can hold the material without falling apart. Therefore, they picked the most talented person in engineering to put the entire base together as we contributed ideas on the design and the look of the robot. It had to be big enough to handle many roles and successfully serve its purpose. Although they applied the concepts in initial draft plan, they made a few

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Individual privacy vs. National Security Research Paper

Individual privacy vs. National Security - Research Paper Example These efforts by the government were aimed at enhancing national security. The mode or tactics applied by the federal government to ensure national security has raised question from the public concerning the cost the public needs to pay for a secure nation. Civil liberties are personal freedoms and guarantees that are beyond the control and regulation of the federal government. With the current anti terrorism trend, the government has been forced to draw a boundary between civil liberties and war on terrorism. The federal government should promote civil liberties and democracy despite the current security concerns. This analyzes the importance of maintaining personal privacy without compromising national security and war against terrorism. The US patriot act was introduced after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. According to our research findings, the Act was introduced to unite American and prevent any future acts of terrorism (Sunstein, 2003). The Act was therefore meant to prevent terrorism by punishing terrorists across the United States and around the world. Fighting terrorism is a good thing however; the American government seems to have taken the fight to an extreme end. This is because the war on terrorists ended up on people’s doorstep making them to become victims of the war. Since the implementation of the Patriot Act, the First and Fourth Amendment were changed to heighten war on terror. This led to a compromise on people’s freedoms. Firstly, the first and Fourth amendment considered the national security as a priority. Since the implementation of the Patriot Act, the first and fourth amendments were changed to enhance national security. This implied that according to the act the authorities had the rights to vary and at sometimes compromise people’s freedom in their fight against terrorism. Personal privacy is a civil liberty; according to the constitution, the government has a duty to ensure that it protects human righ ts. The national Act was designed to fight terrorism, had little or no concern over individual privacy and civil liberties. Although fighting terrorism to ensure national security is, a good thing for the government it is costly and therefore the government needed to think otherwise. The cost that the government incurred in ensuring national stood out as an opportunity cost. The government needed to consider the opportunity cost that it suffered in ensuring national security at the expense of civil liberties. From the investigations, it was found out that the government incurred heavy costs through Loss of credibility and trust among its people. If the government considered these cost then it could have realized that enhancing civil liberties was beyond national security. Fighting terrorists is the responsibility of the government. I have no any problem with the efforts the government took to fight terrorists. Every American citizen believes that war against terrorist compromises pe ople’s democracy and should have been controlled. Democracy was established to enhance people’s freedom on their movement, speech, and personal privacy among other civil liberties. Personal privacy is a civil liberty and hence a symbol of democracy. From the investigation, it was established that the authorities had difficulties distinguishing terrorists from citizens.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Leading Equality and Diversity Essay Example for Free

Leading Equality and Diversity Essay Be able to understand the commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity 1. 1 – Evaluate the organisation’s commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity Equality and diversity means that every service user has their individual needs comprehensively addressed. He or she will be treated equally and without discrimination. This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspect that could result in their being discriminated against purely because they have such characteristics. Ashley Care LLP is firmly committed to diversity in all areas of our work. We believe that we have much to learn and profit from diverse cultures, experiences and perspectives, and that diversity will make our organisation more effective in meeting the needs of all our stakeholders. We believe that equality and diversity within our organisation contributes to our objectives and we are especially conscious of the fact that effective partnership relationships require a shared commitment to equality of opportunity and valuing and managing diversity. Our Equality and Diversity Policy helps to ensure that there is no unjustified discrimination in the recruitment, retention, training and development of staff on the basis of gender including transgender, marital status, sexual identity, religion and belief, political opinion, race, work pattern, age, disability or HIV/AIDS status, socio-economic background, spent convictions, on the basis of having or not having dependants, or any other irrelevant grounds. Our Policy is an integral way on which we handle our recruitment procedures to ensure a fair and approachable image of our organisation. Ashley Care LLP have an Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy and its purpose is to ensure that its service is fully committed to these principles and values and to communicate this commitment to all stakeholders. The policy should always be referred to wherever differences of view based on lack of understanding or prejudice about diversity, equality and inclusion are evident. Equality, diversity and inclusion means that every service user has their individual needs comprehensively addressed he or she will be treated equally and without discrimination. This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspect that could result in their being discriminated against purely because they have such characteristics. 1. 2Discuss how behaviour, actions and words of all members of the organisation support the commitment to equality of opportunity and diversity At Ashley Care LLP we are committed to working together to build a community founded on equality of opportunity a social care community which celebrates the rich diversity of our service users and staff populations. Discriminatory behaviour has no place in our community and will not be tolerated. Within a spirit of respecting difference, our equality and diversity policies promise equal treatment and opportunity for all regardless of gender, sexuality, race, colour, disability, religion, age, and ethnicity or nationality. We call on all members of our company to make a personal commitment to these aims. Our Partners of the Company will ensure that its own actions promote equality and diversity. Through their words and behaviours, Partners will aim to provide genuine equality of opportunity regardless of gender, sexuality, race, colour, disability, religion, age, and ethnic or national origin. In considering its own composition and filling vacancies, the Partners will seek to ensure that its membership embraces the widest possible variety of backgrounds and views, consistent with the need to maintain a Partnership with the skills and experience necessary to carry out its responsibilities. Ashley Care LLP expresses its commitment to equality and diversity by: a. especting service users’ ethnic, cultural and religious practices and making practical provision for them to be observed b. reassuring its service uses that their diverse backgrounds enhance the quality of experience of the service c. accepting service users as individuals, not as cases or stereotypes d. involving service users to express their individuality and to follow their preferred lifestyle, also helping them to celebrate events, anniversaries or festivals which are important to them as individuals e. howing positive leadership and having management and human resources practices that actively demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity principles f. developing an ethos throughout Ashley Care LLP that reflects these values and principles g. expecting all staff to work to equality and diversity principles and policies and to behave at all times in non-discriminatory ways h. providing, training, supervision and support to enable staff to do this i. aving a code of conduct that makes any form of discriminatory behaviour unacceptable; this is applicable to both staff and service users and is rigorously observed and monitored accordingly. Partners will devote time to the development of their own knowledge, understanding and practices to promote and achieve equality and respect for diversity and will see such development as one test of their effectiveness. The achievement of genuine equality of opportunity is at the heart of our mission as a provider of higher education. We aim to build a learning community which exhibits the diverse range of skills and experience which cannot be found within any single group of students or staff. In pursuing this aim, we want our community to value and to be at ease with its own diversity and to reflect the needs of the wider community within which we operate. Although we accept all of our responsibilities under current legislation, we aim to reach beyond the strict confines of the law to provide equality of opportunity for all. We will continue to formulate and implement policies to that end. Every member of our company has a moral and legal responsibility to promote equal treatment within that community and to respect its diversity. Overall responsibility for working with our community in support of these aims lies with the Senior Partner, closely supported by the other Partners. The HR amp; Workforce Development Manager is responsible for matters relating to equality of opportunity in employment, for developing policies which meet legislation and best practice, for monitoring the impact of these policies on different minority groups, and for providing relevant employment statistics. All staff and service users are responsible for ensuring that their actions are carried out in accordance with this policy. They may be held personally to account should their actions fall sort of the requirements of this policy in any way. We are committed to being an equal opportunities employer. We wish to see people from all groups in our society represented at all levels of employment, to ensure that no available talent is overlooked and to provide role models for our staff members. 1. 3Identify organisational and personal responsibilities and liabilities under equality legislation and codes of practice The Equality Act became law in October 2010. It replaces previous legislation (such as the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and ensures consistency in what we needed to do to make our workplace a fair environment and to comply with the law. â€Å"This was, primarily , the Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and three major statutory instruments protecting discrimination in employment on grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. † en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Equality_Act_2010 The public sector Equality Duty (section 149 of the Act) came into force on 5 April 2011. The Equality Duty applies to public bodies and others carrying out public functions. It supports good decision-making by ensuring public bodies consider how different people will be affected by their activities, helping them to deliver policies and services which are efficient and effecti ve; accessible to all; and which meet different peoples needs. The Equality Duty is supported by specific duties, set out in regulations which came into force on 10 September 2011. The specific duties require public bodies to publish relevant, proportionate information demonstrating their compliance with the Equality Duty; and to set themselves specific, measurable equality objectives. The Equality Act covers the same groups that were protected by existing equality legislation age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity it extends some protections to some of the groups not previously covered, and also strengthens particular aspects of equality law. The Equality Act is a mixture of rights and responsibilities that have: * Stayed the same for example, direct discrimination still occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic * Changed for example, employees will now be able to complain of harassment even if it is not directed at them, if they can demonstrate that it creates an offensive environment for them * Been extended for example, associative discrimination (direct discrimination against someone because they associate with another person who possesses a protected characteristic) will cover age, disability, gender reassignment and sex as well as race, religion and belief and sexual orientation Been introduced for the first time for example, the concept of discrimination arising from disability, which occurs if a disabled person is treated unfavourably because of something arising in consequence of their disability. As a result, I needed to review and change most of our policies and practices. 2. Be able to understand the application of equality of opportunity and diversity 2. 1 – Describe the organisation’s equality and diversity policies and how these are communicated within the workplace To ensure equality and diversity is no longer viewed as something only affecting minority groups, any issues need to be viewed not as issues, but as something to be explored and celebrated. Staff could be personally affected by stereotyping, prejudice and/or discrimination when attending work, which could lead to non attendance or non achievement. As a manager I need to ensure all my staff value one another and that the basic rights they are entitled to, for example to learn in a comfortable and safe environment are met. The Pre-Employment Induction to Ashley Care LLP include details of all policies and procedures, including equality and diversity, which are brought to the attention of the staff members during their initial interview and during the induction session. Having a policy is not enough, Ashley Care LLP also have a working group to ensure that the policies are promoted, monitored and regularly reviewed. Policies are also communicated to all staff through the following mechanisms: * Staff handbook * Contract of Employment * Application Form * Team meetings * Staff meetings Ashley Care LLP fully supports all principles of equality and diversity, and opposes any unfair or unlawful discrimination on the grounds of ability, age, colour, culture, disability, domestic circumstances, employment status, ethnic origin, gender, learning difficulties, marital status / civil partnership, nationality, political conviction, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and/or social background. Ashley Care LLP aims to ensure that equality and diversity is promoted among all staff and service users and that unfair or unlawful discrimination, whether direct or indirect, is eliminated to promote a climate of equality and respect. All staff can expect to work in an environment free from harassment and bullying. † Taken from Ashley Care LLP’s policy on Equality and Diversity 2. 2 – Assess the application of the organisation’s commitment to equality of opportunity and dive rsity The evidence that Ashley Care LLP have collected over the years clearly demonstrate our commitment to equality and diversity. The application form states that â€Å"Ashley Care LLP is an equal opportunities employer and we welcome applications from all sections of the community. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers and shall adhere to our policy at all times. We review all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. † Our policy states that â€Å"Equality and diversity means that every service user has their individual needs comprehensively addressed. He or she will be treated equally and without discrimination. This is regardless of the individual’s ethnic background, language, culture, faith, gender, age, sexual orientation or any other aspect that could result in their being discriminated against purely because they have such characteristics. † Within our policy we also state that â€Å"Ashley Care LLP expresses its commitment to equality and diversity by: a. respecting service users’ ethnic, cultural and religious practices and making practical provision for them to be observed b. reassuring its service uses that their diverse backgrounds enhance the quality of experience of the service c. accepting service users as individuals, not as cases or stereotypes d. nvolving service users to express their individuality and to follow their preferred lifestyle, also helping them to celebrate events, anniversaries or festivals which are important to them as individuals e. showing positive leadership and having management and human resources practices that actively demonstrate a commitment to equality and diversity principles f. developing an ethos throughout Ashley Care LLP that reflects these values and principles g. expecting all staff to work to equality and diversity principles and policies and to behave at all times in non-discriminatory ways h. providing, training, supervision and support to enable staff to do this i. aving a code of conduct that makes any form of discriminatory behaviour unacceptable; this is applicable to both staff and service users and is rigorously observed and monitored accordingly. † 2. 3 – Review the diversity of the workforce against the local and/or national population and identify areas for review. Diversity is about valuing and respecting the differences in the workforce, regardless of ability and/or circumstances or any other individual characteristics they may have. If you have more than one member in your workforce you will experience diversity. I am also different from my workforce in many ways, and they are different from one another, therefore they are entitled to be treated with respect, wi th their differences taken into consideration. Combined together, equality and diversity drive an organisation to comply with anti-discrimination legislation as well as emphasising the positive benefits of diversity such as drawing on a wider pool of talent, positively motivating all employees and meeting the needs of a wider customer base. Differences should be acknowledged, celebrated and embraced, to ensure all employees feel included in the process to be followed, and that the working environment is suitable for all. Examples of these differences are: * ability| * disability – physical or mental| * age| * domestic circumstances| * belief| * educational background| * colour| * employment status| * class| * ethnic origin| clothing worn| * experience| * confidence| * gender| * culture| * intelligence| * language, accent, dialect| * race| * learning difficulties| * religion| * marital status / civil partnership| * sexual orientation| * nationality| * social class or identity| * occupation| * talent| * parental status| * tr adition| * physical characteristics| * transgender| * political conviction| * wealth| Promoting diversity in the workforce is about attracting and retaining the best people, regardless of what group they belong to. â€Å"There is considerable evidence to show that inclusive organisations benefit from diversity through: enhanced competitiveness, attracting and retaining more competent employees, who understand the needs of their workforce and respect differences; * improved performance and outcomes, creating a working environment in which everyone is encouraged to perform to their maximum potential; * improved customer services, being able to reflect and meet the diverse needs of the workforce and; * improved staff relations, which reduced the risk of costly tribunals by complying with anti-discriminatory legislation. † www. lluk. org. uk/3167. htm As a manager working within the Health ;amp; Social Care Sector, I agree with the above statement, particularly creating a working environment in which everyone is encouraged to perform to their maximum potential. An inclusive organisation will ensure that their workforce are not excluded for any reason, either directly or indirectly, from part aking in a chosen programme. All the workforce will bring with them valuable skills, knowledge and experiences, I try to incorporate these within any training sessions and treat everyone as an individual. I am always positive and proactive where equality and diversity are concerned, even if my opinions differ from those of my workforce. I have to challenge my own values and beliefs. However, as a professional, I am first and foremost a manager, and my personal opinions must not interfere with the employment process. I must also be careful not to indulge the minority to the detriment of the majority. 3. Be able to understand the needs of others in relation to equality of opportunity and diversity 3. 1 – Explain the requirement to understand individual’s needs, feeling and motivations and to take an interest in their concerns The fundamental reason for promoting equality is to meet the needs of the workforce. Individuals are at the heart of the company and meeting their needs requires an active approach to equality of opportunity at all stages of their employment. It is about the removal of social and economic barriers to participation. Good equal opportunities ensure that all employees: * are respected and not discriminated against; * become aware of equality and inclusion; * benefit from high quality opportunities * work in an environment that supports their development. The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) look to employers and learning organisations they fund to help promote equality of opportunity, widen participation and improve performance. They recommend the following. â€Å"Explicit references: equality of opportunity should be promoted and discrimination tacked so that all employees achieve their potential, * guidance and support should be sensitive to quality of opportunity, * organisations should have effective measures to eliminate oppressive behaviour, including all forms of harassment, * companies should be socially inclusive, ensuring equality of access and opportunities for workforces, * managers should use materials and methods that promote equality of opportunity, * there should be explicit aims, values and strategies promoting equality for all that are reflected in the organisation’s work. Implicit references: staff should have access to relevant, effective support on personal issues, * staff should understand their rights and responsibilities, * resources and accommodation should allow all staff to participate fully, * organisations should promote good working relationships, * programmes should be responsive to local circumstances, * the organisation’s values should be fully understood by staff, including sub contractors and work placement organisations, * the performance of different groups of staff should be used to guide programme development. As a manager I need to take positive steps to promote a culture of equality and diversity in everything that I do that may affect the employment process. 3. 2 – Evaluate the impact of showing respect to others, recognising their value and upholding their rights An example of showing respect to others, recognising their value and upholding their rights could be: An employee has declared to me during this Common Induction Standards training that he is transgender and wants to know which toilet facilities he can use. He has not asked this information remain confidential. This declaration by the employee means that my whole organisation is deemed to know under the Equality Act 2010, and will need to make reasonable adjustments so that the employee has access to toilet facilities he is comfortable with. I may suggest that the employee can use the disabled toilet which is accessed by both males and females. If I am unable to respond to the employee’s needs, he may feel that under the Gender Reassignment Regulations (1999) his needs have not been given the same consideration as those of male and female gender. Some employees may not want to may not want to complete the section on the application form (pre 2008), which required them to disclose details such as a disability, ethnic origin, date of birth etc. Although it was not compulsory, the information often helped our organisation support the workforce, as well as collect data for purposes such as funding and statistics to inform policies. 3. 3 – Describe the need for integrity, fairness and consistency in dealings with individuals When considering forms of harassment, it is important to bear in mind that different people have different cultural and social perceptions as to what they consider to be hostile or degrading. If possible, deliver sessions with your workforce to try to address these perceptions or assumptions. During the recruitment and selection process, I often ask the interviewers what they understand by equality and diversity and how they ensure it in their interviewing. Very often the response is that they would treat everyone the same. However, diversity, fairness and equality are about treating others as they would wish to be treated, rather than making assumptions on their behalf. The workforce is all different and therefore have different needs and different degrees of need which will lead to equal outcomes at the end of their training. Language has a fundamental role to play in treating people fairly. Words you use should give a clear message to all the workforce that myself and my organisation value diversity and respect individual differences. Carefully examining the language I use and the way I use it will help ensure that I treat my workforce as individuals and not merely as members of staff. Communication is not just about words, however, and I also should ensure that my tone of voice, demeanour and body language convey the same message of inclusiveness. An example may be: Gemma has been asked to plan, design and deliver a four week Job Skills programme as part of a Support and Achieve Programme for Lone Parents. The clients are referred to the programme from JobCentrePlus and the aim of the project is for the one parents to return to work. The very title of this project typecasts these clients into a particular group. They are immediately identified as lone or single parents. Gemma therefore suggests the title be changed. Reports from the media project an image of lone parents as predominately young mothers or fathers with children living on their own and claiming state benefits. There are many diverse people who find themselves as lone parents due to different circumstances, for example, widows, windowers or divorcees. The title of a programme can therefore affect who will apply for it, in this example it is positive discrimination in favour of lone parents. However, the content will be based around returning to work and could easily be adapted to suit others, and the mix of workers will help promote inclusion and equality. 3. 4 – Outline a process for dealing with others whose behaviours, words or actions do not support a commitment to equality of opportunity or diversity When an inspection is planned, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) uses the provider’s annual self-assessment report, along with other information such as data on achievement and development plans. Inspection reports include judgements on self-assessment and the self-assessment report. During the inspection the self-assessment report will continue to provide CQC inspectors with crucial evidence to support judgements about the Essential Standards of Quality and Safety’s main aspects, the contributory grades for equality and diversity, safeguarding and the provider’s capacity to improve. Inspectors will use the report to assess risk, monitor standards and plan for inspection. Where subject areas are to be inspected, the report will help the lead inspector select the areas to inspect. Findings during the inspection will be compared with those in the self-assessment report, and a conclusion reached on the accuracy of those judgements. Judgements on the accuracy and use made of the self-assessment report contribute to the grade awarded for the provider’s capacity to make and sustain improvements. A provider that is judged to be outstanding in this area will have a self-assessment report that is highly accurate. The process of self-assessment will be comprehensive and inclusive. It will be used very effectively to secure sustained improvements in all aspects of the provider’s work. A provider that is judged to be good in this area will have a self-assessment report that is largely accurate. The process will be thorough and used well to secure improvements in most aspects of the provider’s work. A provider that is judged to be satisfactory in this area will use self-assessment well to identify most of the provider’s strengths and weaknesses and bring about improvements. A provider judged to be inadequate in this area may be one where quality improvement and self-assessment do not lead to demonstrable improvements. After inspection you must review and update your plans to take account of the inspection findings. Providers are required to set out clearly what actions are needed and to link this explicitly to the inspection findings within two months of the publication of the inspection report.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Macbeth: How Money Killed :: Macbeth essays

Macbeth: How Money Killed Many of our friends at Wall Street have serious heart problems; some of them even die years before they should because of the stress that is brought on by the money and greed of Wall Street. Money is also evident as a health risk in Macbeth and The Merchant of Venice, both written by William Shakespeare. On Wall Street people are driven by the greed of the people they represent, their own greed, and a general atmosphere of greed. In Macbeth, Macbeth is driven by personal ambition and his wife to become king at any expense, including slaying some of his personal friends and their families. Also, in The Merchant of Venice, Shylock the Jew is driven by a hatred for Christians and personal greed. In both plays the character with the greed driven personality end up on the short end of the stick. Macbeth's and Shylock's drive of greed is revealed after just the first few scenes. Macbeth's drive of greed is evident after his encounter with the three witches; after which he tells Banquo that he is eager to learn more about his future as king. Shylock's greed is revealed when we learn that unlike Bassanio, Shylock charges interest on all his loans, and that he is quite ruthless in getting payments for money owed. "Three thousand ducats. 'Tis a good round sum./ Tree months from twelve, then let me see, the /rate--" (1.3.112-114). Upon this Bassanio asks Shylock if he will really owe him any interest; Shylock reacts as almost offended, and further explains that Bassanio will indeed owe him interest. For both Macbeth and Shylock, this is the beginning of the end. Macbeth's greed starts to become a problem when people start figuring out the truth behind Duncan's death. Macbeth realizes that he is well beyond to point of no return and that the only thing left to do is to keep eliminating people whom may potentially stand in his way, or hurt his political figure such as when Macbeth sends orders to have Macduff's family assassinated because Macduff hurt Macbeth politically by not showing up at the party. "The castle of Macduff I will surprise/Seize upon Fife; give to th' edge o' th' sword/His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls/That trace him in his line" (4.2.150-153). Macbeth plots to kill Macduff's wife and child just because he didn't show up at his party where he was being blundersome any way. Shylock's greed goes from being a problem for Antonio to being a problem for himself. As Antonio's ships

Monday, November 11, 2019

Compare & Contrast Taming of the Shrew Essay

The couples in Taming of the Shrew all have various personalities. They all can be determined in different ways, through actions and emotions. Katherine and Petruchio are both similar when it comes to being dimwitted and arrogant which brings them both together emotionally. Katherine and Petruchio are both very different beings, yet also the same. They have different views of life and intentions but the way they express it is mutual. Comparing them is quite easy; because Katherine is actually they way she is because she covers it up with her true emotions that she wants to show. For example, her father favors her sister Bianca also the fact that she fears of never being able to get married to someone who can deal with her. She comes off as a Shrew not because that’s how she really is, it’s because it’s really a cover up of her emotions. Men back in the day looked down to her for being intelligent, and Katherine being hard headed showed them that they can’t tame or mess with her. Her having a mouth and being strong minded ended up molding her personality to the public, as some rude, uncontrollable woman. The one and only Petruchio, has intentions of only taming her for her money but in the process he ends up enjoying the ride and the company of â€Å"Kate†. With him being selfish and horrible it ends up actually being a good compare for the two because their personalities fit each other, either one can benefit from the other or nonetheless. Petruchio thinks that he can tame Kate, and that marriage is just about controlling wives. With both of them bumping heads all the time, one eventually has to give in because a person can only take so much until they reach their boiling point. He doesn’t care about anyone else but his self; compared to Kate she still has morals to certain people. But Petruchio only talks to or deals with anyone who can benefit him. But when Kate intervenes in his life it all changes, slowly to both of them. In conclusion, the two or both bad for each other yet good. Katherine has found someone to actually deal with her and her wittiness and Petruchio ends up having feelings for her, and not just being mainly focused on her money.  The couple rarely has differences in characteristics; the only thing they differentiate in is their intentions for each other. The main thing they are mutual in is their feelings and attitude to the outside world and each other.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Homemade Lava Lamp Essay

My science project is on the No Light Lava Lamp. I will record what happens when I mix vegetable oil and water in an empty water bottle. Most materials are classified into two different categories in relationship to the way they mix water. Hydrophobic substances are chemically unable to mix with water (the word hydrophobic means â€Å"water-fearing†). Hydrophilic (meaning â€Å"water-loving†) substances, can easily dissolve in water. In addition to the density difference, the reason that you will always see a distinct oil layer above the water layer is because of oil’s hydrophobic nature. Vegetable oil is a fatty substance obtained from certain plants. Manufactures obtain most vegetable oils from seeds and fruits. Most of these oils are liquids, but a few including cocoa butter, coconut oil, and palm oil are solids at room temperature. Water is the most common substance on Earth’s surface. It also covers then seventy% of the Earth’s surface area. It fills the oceans, rivers, and lakes and it’s in the ground air we breathe. Water is also everywhere. When you put the water in then put the vegetable oil in the jar the vegetable oil will float straight to the top because the vegetable oil is more dense then the water. Water and vegetable oil are like magnet’s that don’t like to stick to each other. If you shake the water and vegetable oil hard then it will get mixed up. When you put the salt in the bottle it will look like it’s going to stay at the top, but it will float to the bottom. When you put the cap on while some of the gases are still forming the lid will come off and you would have to clean up the mess and the bottle will start to break in half. Salt is a very small mineral, and can be used in many different foods, and it also has been used in ancient times. Salt also consists of the elements such as sodium and chloride. Salt also has a nickname the nickname is Halite. Halite or salt usually forms clear crystals that are almost shaped like cubes or circles. When salt is put in with ice the ice point is lowered. Salt is also used in a wide range of other products those products include ceramic glazes, livestock weed, medicines, oil refining, and water softening. Trucks spread salt by driving on highways during the winter to melt snow and ice. Twenty percent of salt is consumed in the United States for the deicing.  Seawater consists about two point five percent salt and about one percent other minerals in the water, mostly compounds of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Social Psychology essays

Social Psychology essays Chapter nine brings out a very important and scary part of society, deindividuation. In this chapter individuation is defined as the loosening of normal constraints on behavior when people are in a crowd, leading to an increase in impulsive and deviant acts. Acts of violence seem to be the dominating act in many of these situations. The fact that people seem to lose their individuality when they conform to the crowds behavior is disturbing. To somewhat confront this issue, a part in the chapter that we should review in class is the Great Person Theory. The Great Person Theory states that certain personality traits make us better leaders and therefore, we are less likely to deindividualize ourselves. Theories such as Contingency Theory of Leadership, Task-Oriented Leader, and Relationship-Oriented Leader provide great points on how to prevent conforming to the bad element. The study on Social Facilitation surprised me, when James Michaels tested his theory at the pool hall and found that the more comfortable the player was at playing pool the better he/she performed with an audience. I would have thought that it wouldnt have mattered how good you are at pool, the player would play the same, with or without an audience. The use of negotiation is a topic that I use frequently. I have used it to try to negotiate extra points in some of my classes, I have used it to get my out of trouble, and I have used it to barter for better things. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Me, Myself, and I - Business Grammar Rules Explained

Me, Myself, and I - Business Grammar Rules Explained Me, Myself, and I is one of the most common business grammar errors we see in business writing training sessions. What is the Difference between Me, Myself, and I? I recently found this illustrative error reading one of my favorite blogs (unnamed now, since I don't want to link the error to this otherwise wonderful blog): Can you find the error? My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I with some personalized cards along with a rubber, address stamp this week from Nameless Print. The text on the cards are coral - one of my favorite colors and also the color of the bridesmaid dresses along with the rubber stamp ink. I was semi-dreading writing out all the thank you cards from the wedding (my handwriting leaves a lot to be desired), but after receiving these, I think I may enjoy it a little. The error is here: My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I with some personalized cards along with a rubber, address stamp this week from Nameless Print. The text on the cards are coral - one of my favorite colors and also the color of the bridesmaid dresses along with the rubber stamp ink. I was semi-dreading writing out all the thank you cards from the wedding (my handwriting leaves a lot to be desired), but after receiving these, I think I may enjoy it a little. It should read: My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and me with... hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(41482, 'bf4ee473-8e6b-46bf-b9e3-368d74d60b44', {}); Grammar Rules According to The Gregg Reference Manual and AP Style Guide: Use I, we, you, he, she, it, they (nominative/subject form personal pronoun): When the pronoun is the subject of a verb.I wrote to Eileen McIntyre. Use me, us, you, him, her, it, them (objective form personal pronoun): When the pronoun is the direct or indirect object of a verb. Larry gave Maris and us tickets for the opening.My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and me with... The reflexive personal pronoun myself gets tricky but just remember that myself is always used as the object of a sentence and/or as an intensive pronoun to add intensity to a sentence. Myself is never used as a subject pronoun. All personal pronouns have a matching reflexive pronoun: me - myself you - yourself you - yourselves her - herself it - itself he - himself one - oneself our - ourselves they - themselves An easy rule to remember is that the reflexive pronoun myself is always used as the object of a sentence, never the subject. I (subject) see (verb) myself (reflexive objective pronoun) eating a big chocolate cookie. You'd never write "Myself ate a big chocolate cookie." Use myself to direct the action expressed by the verb back to the subject.She found herself the only one in favor of the move. Use myself as an intensive pronoun to highlight a noun or pronoun already expressed.I will contact her myself."I will contact her" has the same meaning, but adding "myself" adds intensity. Me, Myself, and I Grammar Tip Here are two tips that will help you avoid this common me/myself/I business grammar error: Simply omit all words between the subject/verb and pronoun:My sister-in-law and brother surprised Eric and I.My sister-in-law surprised I... sounds odd to the ear. You'll know immediately that My sister-in-law surprised me... is correct. Omit the injected words for a quick check. If you were, for some odd reason, rarely allowed to include myself in business documents, you wouldn't miss it much.So, if you are confused, just don't use myself unless you are certain the usage is correct. This way, you will never write the common error:Please send the report to Karen and myself.You will know that the correct sentence is:Please send the report to Karen and me.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Common Goal and the Overall Productivity of the Organization Research Paper

The Common Goal and the Overall Productivity of the Organization - Research Paper Example The above performance appraisal form has been prepared for the supervisors to estimate his/her performances on a regular basis. The rating scale consists of nine parameters ranging from Excellent to Low. The supervisor will be evaluated based on the performance within a certain stipulated time. Seven performance factors have been taken into account since they are the key skills that a supervisor needs to possess. These factors are administration, knowledge of work, communication, teamwork, decision making, leadership and scheduling. It is to state that greater weight has been provided to the decision making, teamwork, leadership, communication and knowledge of work because these are the most essential skills that the supervisor’s job demands. Communication relates to how efficiently a supervisor is listening to his subordinates. It also intends to identify whether the supervisor demonstrates his ideas orally and in writing or not. The other factor to consider is whether the su pervisor reports to the management regarding the co-workers on a regular basis. Conversely, comparatively less weight has been provided to scheduling and administration since they are comparatively less significant; however, are important skills that are required. After having assessed the performance of an employee, it is vital to provide feedback on the performance that needs improvement and thus plan the activities that the organization along with the supervisor needs to take to make advancement in the performance. The plan can be to provide training to the supervisors. The evaluator also needs to check the reason behind the unsatisfactory performance and thus plan their actions accordingly.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Insurance claims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Insurance claims - Essay Example Whenever there is an accident, the affected parties (car owner and passengers) have the right to seek for compensation from their insurance companies. This chapter looks at the legal responsibilities of certain people for injury or damage caused by accidents on private and public property. These include owners, occupiers, other people who control buildings and land. The Civil Liability Act 2002has modified the way in which liability for negligence is determined. Under the Act, even if you are injured, you may not have a claim if that injury was caused by something which could have been avoided (KRITZER, 1997, p261). The accident that involved Peter, a driver with Collins Coaches Ltd should first be reported to the relevant authorities so that the right course of action is taken. This will be procedural in establishing whether there are any fatalities, damage of property or animals and to what extent the damage has been done. The police should also be helpful in towing the vehicle awa y. Afterwards, there are legal obligations that will follow in case the vehicle has been damaged and someone has been injured. Other passengers are also obliged to provide useful information to the police concerning the accident as this would be beneficial to the authorities. Relevant information entails what other drivers might have been involved in the crash, whether there are any missing persons and maybe how many people were involved in the accident. In this case, Peter should provide his full identify; name and address, the vehicle’s owner (Collins Coaches Ltd), a valid vehicle registration license plate and any other details required in identifying the vehicle. After the accident, there is a legal process that should be adhered to in the event of significant personal injury or damage of property. Within 24 hours of the accident, Peter is expected to report the crash to the police station nearest to where the accident occurred. One may not be required to report the crash if injuries from the accident prevent you from doing so. If you wish to make a personal injury claim you must report the accident to police within 28 days of the accident. Peter should provide useful information concerning: The place and nature of the accident Registration numbers of his vehicle Extent of any injury or damage caused Names and addresses of all witnesses Peter is required to give all possible assistance to any injured person, including phoning 000 for an ambulance. If injured like Jemima and Sarah in this case, you may have a claim against the driver of the vehicle which caused you injury. Seeking medical help from a doctor after the accident is important as well as consulting a solicitor who practices in personal injury law and in particular, in motor vehicle accidents, as soon as possible. At the solicitor, one is required to fill in a personal injury claim form while the doctor fills in the medical certificate that accompanies the personal injury claim form. Your solicitor will then send your claim form and medical certificate to both the owner of the vehicle and the insurer of the vehicle. The solicitor is supposed to do this within 6 months from the material day of the accident in order to avoid giving a full and satisfactory reason as to why it was not sent in this time. Your solicitor will then proceed to pursue your interests according to the Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999. At the scene of the accident, Peter is also expected to; Take necessary measures to avert further collisions Not confess fault as this may abrogate insurance claims Make notes of any talk with the other person that may have been involved in the event