Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mass General Hospital

What are the primary challenges in improving operating processes in a health care environment? †¢Maintaining Quality Care. †¢Coordination of department segments †¢Reducing cost without compromising patient care †¢Support from the staff / stakeholders †¢To remove / determine non-value added activity †¢Conformance and control 2. What is a care path? Care path is used to manage the quality in healthcare with regards to standardization of care process by minimizing delays and with resource utilization while maximizing the quality of care. . What are its specific features? †¢Control Cost †¢Diagnostics testing†¢Standardization †¢Create efficiencies †¢Improves communication †¢Improves coordination †¢Allows for flexibility †¢Provides Reliability †¢Faster diagnostics a. What does it not do? ?Apply to all ?Make any guarantees 4. What are the most common causes of extended stay for CABG patients? †¢Not having a Care path †¢Amount of therapy required †¢Level of complications †¢Health care payment method 5. What are some of the important steps the team took to develop the care ath to make it acceptable to everyone involved? †¢Creating of cross functional teams †¢Working with and listening to everyone †¢Making all feel like part of the process †¢Ensuring there are quality controls / checks and balances 6. What are the hazards of standardizing the process too rigorously? †¢Not getting buying from staff †¢Misdiagnosis †¢Increasing cost 7. What are the dangers of allowing too much freedom to customize the process? †¢Increasing cost †¢Failure to collaborate †¢Patient takes too long to be diagnosed or misdiagnosed 8.Does every care path patient have to go through all the steps in the care path? What happens to patients who do not follow the path fully? †¢No, patients can be removed from any step within the care path once it is deter mined that the care path is not going to work for the patient. Obviously there is going to be a percentage of patients that are going to deviate from the standard. For these patients they must follow a path specific to receiving the proper diagnosis and treatment. This may require addition diagnostic testing, seeing specialist, longer stay, additional therapy etc.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Student’s Dilemma

The purpose of this memo is to identify the ethical dilemma Helen is trapped into and her responsibilities towards making the correct decision. Helen Kanell is a final year student with a 4. 0 average grade point at the Empire State University. She is also the president of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting student honor society. Being a president of such honorable society requires a great deal of responsibility and time commitment. Helen is already appointed a position at the Big & Apple LLC. Yet, Helen plans to complete her studies with at least a 3. 90 GPA to qualify for the highest academic honor â€Å"summa cum laude. However, she is currently maintaining a B average in four out of five of her courses and needs to get an A at least in one course to be eligible for summa cum laude. In order to resolve Helen’s dilemma her best friend lick the copy of the Accounting 544 from the accounting department and gives it to Helen prior to the final exam. Before arriving to a conclusion Helen should consider her responsibilities towards the University, herself, and several other related groups. Maintaining academic integrity of the University should be Helen’s first priority. It’s her duty to follow the University’s Code of Conduct to uphold its reputation. Sue should be honest to the accounting department because she represents the accounting honor society, Beta Alpha Psi. As a leader of such honorable society cheating will not set the right example for rest of the student body. Helen’s should not take a decision which will cause her to be unfair to all those students who worked hard for the exam. It’s her responsibility to be fair to other student in the class and the department. As stated by the Golden Rule â€Å"we should treat other the way we want to be treated. No one would like to be cheated, therefore, Helen’s should not put fort her own interest and be unfair to others. Helen’s responsibility towards Big & Apple LLC is to act in a trustworthy and reliable manner. One of the reasons the company has hired is so that they can trust Helen with their financial and confidential information. She should understand the consequences of cheating in such situation because it can have a huge impact on her career. Instead of taking the wrong path to achieve success Helen should discuss her situation and seek for appropriate advice form her professor. Although, Helen’s best friend is concerned about her situation its Helen’s responsibility to report her best friends misdeeds to the professor of Accounting 544. Helen’s responsibility is to make her friend realize the consequences of her wrongdoings. She should make her friend understand the ethical values of what’s right and what’s wrong. Cheating is not an easy way out of difficult situations. Helen’s responsibility to herself is to avoid doing things which would lower her self-esteem. She should alert herself that cheating is unethical way of achieving success and would cost her much more than expected in her career. Making the right decision will give her peace of mind and she won’t have anything to regret for in future. Ethical values of honesty, integrity and trust should guide Helen in making the right decision in such situation. People with these values tend to think in the best interest of others. These ideals guide every individual to achieve greater success. If I was Helen I would not choose the path of dishonesty under any circumstances. My ethical values would not permit me to take advantage of the final exam cheat sheet. Instead, I would put my full concentration on my studies and work hard towards that A. To seek advice I would go to the Accounting 544 professor. I would discuss my crucial situation with him/her to resolve my dilemma. My decision would not change even if the Empire State University has an honor code and provides a $5000 award to students that graduate summa cum laude. Regardless of how difficult the situation could get its unethical for me to cheat to achieve such an honorable award. I believe the path of fraudulence will never lead a person to a successful profession, as well as life

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Disappearance of its Soviet

In less than two decades, Beijing has taken advantage of the disappearance of its Soviet neighbor to launch its program of development of the â€Å"Great West† and open up Gaining to border actions, while the states of Central Asia, seeking new partners, have sought to benefit from China's dynamism by integrating themselves into the Asia-Pacific zone of prosperity.While the Chinese authorities may make a point of honor in establishing cordial relations with the five states of the region, Astrakhan partnership with China is termed â€Å"strategic, confirming Stand as a major political ally of Beijing in a post-Soviet climate in which the Khaki government is displaying balanced and diversified policies in the face of Moscow heavy- handed presence. This privileged China-Astrakhan partnership is based on a alliterated economic reality. These days, China-Astrakhan trade represents more than two-thirds (about 70 percent) of all China-Central Asia trade.Unlike the other historical p ower in the region, Islam Karamazov Uzbekistan, Astrakhan, under the leadership of President Nursling Nazarene since 1989, has undertaken important economic liberalizing reforms that, despite their limitations, are now succeeding in attracting foreign investment. Astrakhan has thus become the second richest country in the post-Soviet space: with a GAP estimated at $9,400 per capita in 2006, it sits Just behind Russia (with approximately $12,000) but ahead of the other Central Asian countries (between $8,500 and $1,300).In 15 years, it has succeeded in dramatically halving the portion of its population living below the poverty line (now less than 25 percent), whereas in the other four states of the region, more than half of the population is still considered â€Å"poor. † In addition, the country has seen the emergence of a middle class, a guarantee of longer-term stability. The exponential growth in economic relations with China since the beginning of the sass has not once be en challenged.Astrakhan even opened a consulate in Hong Kong in 2003 and one in Shanghai in 2005 to facilitate contact. Nevertheless, economic relations between the two countries reveal multiple imbalances that are increasingly raising questions within Astrakhan's political class and among local experts. While the official Chinese position extols the complementarily of the two economies and the mutual benefit of trade, this optimistic view is largely disputed on the ground. Khaki concerns over possible Chinese domination are based not only on economic arguments .They need o be situated in a social context in which fear of China remains very real: the general lack of knowledge about China, and fear of too great a difference in demographic power, might well be important factors influencing Khaki reactions to China's growing presence. With the increasing integration with the global world, Chinese trade along with world trade as a whole is dominated by trade between major trading blocs, such as East Asia, the North American Free Trade Area (NONFAT) and the European Union (ELI) each of which includes economically advanced market economies.Of these partners Chinese trade with the EX. has increased significantly in importance . In 2008, the EX. imported IIS$378 billion of commodities from China (IIS$ 293. 1 billion reported by China), making China the largest supplier of EX. merchandise imports. These imports included merchandise from EX. companies that had relocated parts of their global production systems in China. The SEIZE exported IIS$ 113 billion of goods to China (IIS$ 132. 8 billion reported by China) making the EX. China's second largest source of imports (after Japan).The result was a IIS$ 265 billion trade deficit for the SEIZE. This deficit is a major source of contention between these two major riding partner. The last 20 years of china economy has been dramatic. World exports from China are growing dramatically to industrial country markets . This proce ss could continue for some time because of huge youth population. However, by some indicators, China's experience is less dramatic than that of Japan and Korea during their period of industrialization and integration with the global economy.Generally speaking trade between developed and developing economies involves a vertical division of labor in which developed economies produce high value-added goods and services and exchange them for low value-added goods and services from economically less-developed countries. When China embarked on a path of export-led growth, it accordingly specialized in sectors producing relatively simple, labor-intensive and mass-produced goods and services.To maintain sustainable economic growth, China's ambition is however to upgrade its industrial structure moving into more advanced sectors and functional roles including in its trade with economically advanced countries . The Chinese-Astrakhan regional economic cooperation, according to national interes ts of the Republic of Astrakhan, has good conditions for institutional semantics. Astrakhan is rich with oil: the proved stocks of oil of 24 billion tons on a land, and stocks of continental seas of 70 million tons.Astrakhan though has a stable and safe outlet to the sea and access to the international markets according to national interests practically it can't provide. To construction Chinese-Astrakhan the oil pipeline and the gas pipeline, practically export by Astrakhan of crude oil, gas and oil products depended on Russia. The Chinese-Astrakhan regional economic cooperation promotes distribution of Astrakhan structures of radioactivity and optimization of distribution of available resources . 1. 2 Astrakhan Trade Research Status Astrakhan for 21 years was deeply integrated into world economy, actively involved in globalization process.Now the republic does business practically all countries of the world. His trade partners are 212 states and territories on all continents. The v olume of the foreign trade commodity turnover for 1994-2010 grew from bal. Dollars to 90,1 billion. The highest volumes in 109,1 bal. Dollars were reached in 2008. In the history of the foreign trade relations of the country positive lance in 39,8 bal. Dollars, received for January – Seep. 2011, it is reached for the first time. It is expected that following the results of 2011 the volume of external commodity turnover will be the highest in the history of the country and will make about 115 bal. Lars. It should be noted that excess of export over import remains same as 1995 so far. In foreign trade of Astrakhan for years of Independence there were changes. Character and the maintenance of the external economic relations led to shifts in a geographical orientation of commodity streams . Two groups of partners were rated. With one steady growth is observed, with others recession was outlined. So, for 1995-2011 in a foreign trade turnover of the country the share of Europe grew from 26% to 31,6%, Asia from to 24%, including China from 4% to 21%, America from 1% to 5, Africa from to 0,22.Growth of deliveries of fuel and energy resources, mineral raw materials to these regions and growing volumes of purchases of the latest cars and the equipment from the developed countries became defining. From Africa, especially from Kenya, import of tea, Ghana cocoa increased, Tunisia and Egypt got wheat, Morocco sulfur. In export structure the greatest share is the share of EX. countries (48,5%), despite its decrease in comparison with 2010 for 3%. The main products of export are energy carriers and oil.The share of export to the Countries in a total amount of export for the last year decreased from 9,4% to 8,6%. Export to China, other countries of the world and other CICS countries for the last year, on the contrary, increased, having made 18,5%, 18,5% and 5,9% respectively. Geography of Astrakhan's exports In structure of import of ARK the greatest share is the share of the Customs union countries – 445% or 16,9 billion USED. This indicator is times more, than import volumes from EX. countries, it is 3,4 times more than a volume of import from China and in 5,7 times more import volume from other CICS countries.The share of deliveries from China, the countries of the Customs union and other CICS countries grows in import of ARK whereas from the others the direction decreases. As a whole volumes of export and ARK import in mutual trade increase, however it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of influence of the Customs Union on foreign trade of Astrakhan as process of administrative settlement of functioning of he Customs Union, harmonistic and unification of various procedures at implementation still proceeds mutual trade between participant countries.Further the analysis of structure of export and import in a section of raw and processed production will be carried out, and also specification of processed production on intermedi ate, consumer and means of production is presented. Export of the processed goods of ARK grows, having outstripped in 2011 volumes of 2008 for 10,6% or for 2,1 billion USED. At the same time, the specific weight of the processed export decreases. It is connected by that cost the volume of raw export rows quicker in connection with a rise in prices for energy resources.In 2011 the ratio of processed and raw production in import made 89% and 11% respectively, and the gain of import of processed production (24,4%) is more, than the gain raw that can promote a competition aggravation between foreign and domestic producers who and so are in rather vulnerable situation . Export grew so quickly mainly thanks to increase in physical volumes of deliveries and prices of oil, oil products, natural gas and radioactive elements uranium. The main buyers of these goods are EX. and China therefore their shares in the total amount of export increased.Volumes of export of other important export goods (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including gold, and also grain and wheat flour) too increased, but in less than export of energy carriers that led to decrease in a share of these goods in a total amount of export in 2010 in comparison with 2000. It also led to decrease in shares of Russia and Switzerland which are large import-shooting galleries of metals from Astrakhan. During 2000-2010 Astrakhan practically stopped supply of oil and oil products to offshore zones (The Bermuda and British Virgin Islands).Astrakhan exports very few other goods besides energy resources, metals and grain; the share of such goods in the total amount of export decreased from 14% in 2000 to 6% in 2010; if to measure in absolute expression in the prices and at an exchange rate of 2010, this export decreased by 21%. 1. 3 China and Astrakhan on trade Development For Astrakhan, the future of economic relations with China is bilateral. The China-Astrakhan relationship will be strengthened even further by ac cession to the World Trade Organization (WTFO), which will enable Chinese companies to invest more in the Khaki market.Economic relations are also developing to a certain degree in a multilateral context through the Shanghai Cooperation (SOC), even if China's presence by way of the SOC is considerably greater in Gyrations and Atkinson. Thus, the $900 million of credit proposed by in 2004 – and implemented from 2006 onwards -was destined primarily for the region's poorest states, not for Astrakhan. Nevertheless, the Organization has instigated projects involving all the Central Asian states, such as the Caspian Sea-China highway that starts in Russia and crosses Astrakhan, rail connections, and the construction of hydroelectric power stations.However, despite the measures adopted by the SOC Business Council to strengthen linkages between the Central Asian states, government-to-government disagreements often delay their implementation. Several Khaki specialists also complain of the Co's inability to promote its economic strategies in business circles; some of its decisions are said to remain declarations of intent due to a lack of information among business leaders.. It is difficult to obtain a precise assessment of China-Astrakhan trade figures.The official statistics consider a little extent of cross-border trade, and cannot measure he amount of illegal trade, particularly in metals, or contraband, such as acetic anhydride, the chemical required to turn opium into heroin. Some local specialists point out significant differences between the Chinese and Khaki statistics. Thus, when Astrakhan claimed $550 million of trade with China in 1999, Beijing was already confirming more than $1 billion. In 2005, the discrepancy grew wider: Astrakhan, according to Stand, apparently achieved imports from China with a total value of $1. Billion, compared to almost $4 billion according to Beijing, and Stand reported exports to China worth nearly $2. Billion, exceeding t he Chinese figures by more than $500 million. The discrepancy can be attributed partly to political reasons: Stand seeks to overvalue its exports and undervalue Chinese imports in order to reduce a trade balance skewed too greatly in China's favor. In 2006, Astrakhan's trade deficit in relation to its neighbor was at least $1. 14 billion, 15 percent more than in 2005.On the other hand, the discrepancy can be explained by differences in accounting; Khaki businessmen have every reason to undervalue their trade flows in order to avoid taxes, unlike their Chinese counterparts, who receive tax concessions on exports. China's progress is so great that Beijing will soon catch up to Astrakhan's main trade partner, Russia. In 1992, China-Central Asia trade, two-thirds of which is China-Astrakhan trade, was barely $422 million, reaching $512 million in 1993. It plummeted in 1994 as a result of stricter visa processes, then rapidly climbed again, reaching $699 million 1997.It experienced a dec rease ($588 million) again as a result of the Russian economic crisis of the summer of 1998, which similarly affected Central Asia, then began to grow at a rate that seems unstoppable now. Trade passed $1 billion in 2000 before rising tenfold to more than $10 billion in 2006. The volume of trade tripled between 2002 and 2005, but continued to largely favor Chinese exports, which represented two thirds compared to Central Sais's one third. Thus, in 2006, China represented 15. 5 percent of Astrakhan's foreign trade (almost $9 billion), nearing Russian's 18. Percent (almost $11 billion). China's Trade Ministry quoted a figure of $10. 8 billion, which would put Moscow and Beijing on an equal footing, while Vladimir Paramount and Aliases Strokes add another $2 billion or more in illegal read, which would give China trade supremacy over Russia. According to Khaki experts, the bilateral trade figure is expected to reach $15 billion in 2008. The imbalance of power between China and Astrakha n remains glaringly obvious. In 2006, Astrakhan represented only 0. 49 percent of China's foreign trade (the whole of Central Asia representing 0. 60 percent).This imbalance is shifting to foreign investment: in 2005, China injected $1. 2 billion into the Khaki economy (82 percent in the hydrocarbon sector and 14 percent in the construction sector), whereas Astrakhan invested only $7. Million in China. The Chinese and Khaki economies are, however, proving to be complementary to a large degree. More than 80 percent of China's exports to Astrakhan are finished consumer items (textiles, shoes, appliances, toys, electronics, spare parts, pharmaceutical products, foodstuffs), while 85 percent of Astrakhan's exports to China consist of raw materials (petroleum, ferrous and non-ferrous metals).In some sectors such as aluminum, the unidirectional nature of trade flows is impressive: more than 95 percent of Astrakhan. 1. 4 Research Purpose and Science Contribution . 4. 1 Purpose This thesis aims to bring some conclusion like how the Bilateral relations between the countries have proved to be mutually beneficial to both for strategic reasons. The two economies are highly complementary. This thesis has tried to figure out how China can help Astrakhan in many areas since it has a lot of experience in how to develop.And to successfully overcome the negative aftermath of the global financial crisis, also managed to significantly increase the volume of trade and economic cooperation. At the same time the thesis has tried to figure out the active aspects and threat that has arisen in Astrakhan side because of heavily depended on consuming Chinese products and not developing the self-sustainable producing and manufacturing culture. 1. 4. 2 Science contribution With these research questions in mind, the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how China and Astrakhan will make a business in the future.Keywords: export, import, GAP, Trade, development, bilateral relation. 2 Content and methodology 2. 1 Main content In the research we will analyze the main problems in Trade between China and Astrakhan and how to solve it. Despite stability of trade and economic, more detailed analysis of the Astrakhan-Chinese cooperation revealed a number of the main problems in system of the bilateral economic relations. First, prevalence of a raw orientation in structure of commodity turnover of Astrakhan with China.The analysis of export-import streams shows that about 98% of the Astrakhan export to China are made by strategically important raw materials. The special attention in March, 2008 in Beijing a business forum â€Å"Astrakhan -? China was paid to discussion of this problem: partnership for success†. In speech of the Prime minister of Astrakhan Karri Misaims it was noted that â€Å"the structure of the Astrakhan export to the People's Republic of China keeps a pronounced survey orientation† .The main articles of the Astrakhan export to China - ? goods of survey group: hire of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal, oil, and also raw leather, cotton raw, wool. Astrakhan imports from China finished goods, first of all, goods of routinely demand, mechanisms, electric equipment, production of transport mechanical engineering, etc. And the Chinese import to Astrakhan is hardhearted in most cases by goods of not high quality which competes with domestic producer owing to the low price and quantity.During the research we will prove or disprove all our assumption. The thesis will be divided into three parts: 1) The remainder of part I contains a review of the relevant literature, an introduction to the theories used to answer the research questions and a detailed description of the method. These sections focus on the research area and research approach, providing an overall context for the thesis. 2) Part II includes the main analysis of the research subject. ) Part Ill contains a conclusion and recommendations. It summarize s the key findings from the dissertation.It also includes a further scenarios and suggestions for future. 2. 2 Methodology and data The researcher approaches the object subjectively based on their prior understanding of the object. Therefore the authors have chosen the descriptive approach. The descriptive approach does not mean that the authors will find an absolute truth, but rather form an understanding of the investigated subject. This study does not aim to measure the exact phenomena; in contrast we aim to receive a greater understanding of bilateral trade.Since the purpose of this paper was not to find any absolute truths, this approach will give us more freedom to interpret the information we have collected based on the frames of references. We have chosen a qualitative approach in order to be able to collect detailed information from the secondary data regarding the topic. This is of great importance in order to sustain answer to our purpose. This will lead to a greater unde rstanding for their choices regarding our questions and enables us to discuss among those.According to Holmes and Solving (1997) a qualitative approach will help the authors to research the problem more closely and also provides opportunities to ensure validity and reliability of the study . The authors need to interpret and understand the usage of how the area of interest works and how it can be used. It is an advantage if those who will implemental research of qualitative approach have knowledge about the area (Patella & Davidson 2003). According to Barman and Bell (2007), there are researchers who are critical to the qualitative approach due to subjectivity. However, we have tried to be as objective as possible in our study .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A marketing strategy for the development of (insert the name of the Essay

A marketing strategy for the development of (insert the name of the company or organisation you have chosen ) - Essay Example At such competitive market, United Biscuit is launching its new ranges of cookies under its McVitie’s brand called Hobnobs Cookies. The company is aiming to popularize this specific product brand in UK market. However, its key competitors also offer substitute cookies in the existing market that it poses great threat to the success of Hobnobs Cookies. The micro and macro environment analysis of United Biscuit have provided the base for framing proper marketing strategy for Hobnobs Cookies in its existing market. Considering three key strengths of Hobnobs Cookies i.e. high quality, lower price and different taste, its marketing strategies has been framed. As per the Ansoff matrix, United Biscuit will try to attain the product development at initial stage and in this process, promotional mix is very important. The core strategy for Hobnobs Cookies will be the combination of low cost and differentiation strategy that will enhance the consumers’ value by building the produc t’s brand in existing market. 2. Introduction It is very necessary to develop a proper marketing plan for organisational growth and success as marketing has become inevitable business activity. An effective marketing plan ensures sufficient amount of sales revenue that determines the existence of a firm within its industry. In recent years, the scope and importance of marketing and strategic planning has significantly increased due to intensified competition in market. For the financial success, the organisations aim to counter their key competitors for gaining an upper hand position in the market. However, in this process, the planning is the foremost task for them. Stevens and Loudon have defined that â€Å"planning is one of the key success for any undertaking† and the planning â€Å"must be founded in a root philosophy or conceptual framework that provides a basis for analysis, execution, and evaluation† (Stevens and Loudon, 2005, p.4-5). This paper will att empt to present a marketing plan for United Biscuit to position its new brands product. The primary aim of this paper is to develop a proper marketing plan for existing product in its exiting market. Therefore, various marketing tools, model and theories will be applied for analysing micro and macro environment of United Biscuit and for developing effective marketing strategies. 3. Brief Description of Company The United Biscuit is a leading multinational food manufacturer of UK and Europe and it offers wide ranges of cookies, biscuit and other savoury products. The company have developed its high brand image in UK and entire European regions. Its products are available under 15 well known brands like McVitie’s, Jacob’s, Twiglets, BN, KP etc (United Biscuit-a, 2008). This company was established during 1948 after the merging of two Scottish families who were engaged in bakery business. Later, the company acquired MacDonald's Biscuits and Crawford's Biscuits in 1960s. F inally, in 2000, Finalrealm, a group of investors acquired

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Technology and Management Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Technology and Management Functions - Essay Example It has boosted productivity by enabling employees to access the tools they need to carry out their functions from nearly any location; and to learn about developments with the company's products and services tight from their desktops. Technology has transformed administrative tasks for which employees used to rely on others into routine self service operations that take only a fraction of the time. It has also facilitated a convergence and coordination of business data systems from disparate areas that has given rise to new possibilities for customer facing services. Finally, it has freed employees from the tether of an office and enabled them to access virtually all of their productivity tools from anywhere they happen to be. On the other hand, the company's conversion of its business systems from PeopleSoft to SAP has not gone smoothly. SAP implementation has been plagued with difficulties that have resulted in tremendous frustration both internally and externally. This adoption of new technology, which was designed to improve business over the long run, has - in the short run -made it difficult to facilitate many types of customer transactions. This situation illustrates that technology has the potential to put up obstacles as well as knock them down. Product Development The first area in which technology has improved business at Lexis Publishing is product development. Technology has transformed the essence of the company's product offering from print to online media. Online delivery has enabled users of the information to more quickly and precisely access what they need. It also opens up countless possibilities for product development, through searching and user interface enhancements. In fact, the company has a new release of its online search engine every month that features numerous usability and content improvements and enhancements. Productivity Employee productivity is one of the most important concerns when it comes to business improvement. Technology has enabled companies to grow productivity tremendously by equipping employees with portable office capabilities and self service administrative functioning. This has improved employee relations by striking a balance between squeezing more productivity out of employees and allowing them greater mobility and freedom than they previously had. As David Parlby, workforce solutions lead partner at KPMG asserts, there are two key ways technology has been leveraged by management to facilitate improved relations via employers and employees. "First, connectivity - allowing employees to gain access to corporate data and to connect with their colleagues, customers, suppliers and partners wherever they are. And secondly through well- designed applications, allowing employees to carry out administrative tasks and business processes themselves, without the intervention of administrative st aff" (Wylie, 2002, para. 6). At Lexis Publishing, this has been accomplished by equipping all employees with wireless-ready laptop computers and Blackberries, setting up intranet tools that make reporting easier and quicker, and electronically disseminating career and professional development information and job postings. Webex meetings and eLearning tools have become commonplace. Today, employees increasingly have the freedom to work from

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier Term Paper

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier - Term Paper Example The airline is home to more than 35000 employees who are the backbone of the airline company. The employees are provided with friendly working environment to help them deliver the best services to the customers. Southwest Airlines has further strengthened itself by acquiring the Air Tran Airways in 2011. The mission of the company has been to deliver the best quality services to its customers at low price which has enabled the airline to grab a large market share. Executive Summary of Marketing Plan The marketing strategy is an important aspect for the company to launch a new product. The marketing strategy involves factors like target market which hold the key to success for the new airline in the competitive airline industry. It gives the airline company the leverage to target the desired market. Competitor description and the analysis of direct and indirect competitors is also an important part of a marketing plan. The strategy followed by the competitors and its weakness can prov ide the airline company advantage. ... Pricing strategy can make customers opt for the company’s product or reject it for being expensive. The right method to implement a pricing strategy is to make the product valuable in terms of its price. The implementation plan finally needs to take place considering all the marketing strategy factors. A proper analysis of these factors can provide better knowledge to the Southwest Airline Company regarding the launch of its new full service airline. Description of Target Market A group of people who are looked upon by the company as the customers which can fit in the marketing strategy adopted by the company can be termed as the target market. Target market is the most essential component to a company’s marketing plan. Southwest Airlines marketing plan largely depends on the 4 P’s of marketing mix and the target market to decide the success of its new product. Target market can be segmented into the following four parts: Geographic Segmentation Southwest Airline can segment its desired target market based on the nation, state, region, country, etc. to which a customer belongs. The airline company then can decide whether it wants to function in selected geographic regions or across every geographic area. The airline has to accordingly develop its product or service (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008, p.173). Demographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation is another variable which divides the target market based on the factors like age, religion, gender, family, etc. This segmentation can prove to be a boon for the airline company as it is easily measurable and can be used to select the target market for its new product or service. Psychographic Segmentation This segmentation can help the airline company to divide the customers on the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Trademark Dilution Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Trademark Dilution - Coursework Example Another important aspect of trademark dilution is whether or not in reality, trademarks prevent such uncouth behavior as the industry is trying to prevent. Of course it is one thing to cry foul about trademarks and quite another to establish their effectiveness. The reason why this is the case is primarily because creative departments in companies develop novel means to reciprocate the efforts and products of other companies. Finally there shall be a detailed analysis of the economic impact of dilution. Trademark dilution is the United States for instance is a fairly recent phenomenon bearing in mind that the necessary legislation was passed in 1995. That was the year that the Federal Trademark Dilution act was passed. It sought to protect large companies against the ‘gradual whittling away’ of renowned brands by new entrants1. This was an effort to protect big business at the expense of upcoming businesses. This, as the more fashion conscious will note, is a famous brand. The aggressors were a couple; the Moseley’s who had committed the unforgivable act of opening a clothing store in Kentucky called ‘Victor’s Secret’. The more renowned company warned them off such a store name but only succeeded in making them change it to ‘Victor’s Little Secret’. This still fell short of the demands of the renowned retailer who thought a complete change of name was the only way out2. As happens in all cases of this kind, the matter ended up in court. In the Sixth Circuit it was agreed that there was possible dilution in this case. There were the usual exchanges associated with lawyers in such cases where the law is not very clear, with each side giving its own interpretation that was friendly to its client. The Moseley’s lawyer insisted that the fashion giant must table actual ‘economic harm’. Therefore, the whole business of trademarks is the prevention of any likely

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alvin Ailey's Polotics in the Art of Dance Research Paper

Alvin Ailey's Polotics in the Art of Dance - Research Paper Example Ailey was most popular as one of the first few African Americans who dared revolutionize their dance styles, which ultimately led to his contribution to modern American dance. It is in this respect though that he was able to subtly express for the first time his political convictions. At the height of his success as a choreographer, when he was recognized no longer just for his art but also for how he used it to advance his political cause, Ailey was awarded the Spingarn Medal. Renowned composer-conductor Leonard DePaur, his presentation of the award, mentioned that Ailey â€Å"would confound and confuse America's critics by refusing to conform to their pre-conceptions of what a black choreographer must be† (NAACP 1977, p. 100). With this distinction, it is clear that Ailey had been able to infuse his politics in the development of his choreography and in the performance of his dance. Through his art, he was able to challenge stereotyping that was brought about by racism and b igotry. This paper seeks to explain the bases why Ailey incorporated his political activism into the art form that he specializes in and how this has contributed to America’s struggle against racism. I. ... Aside from the treatment that they receive from the whites because of their race, Ailey and his mother also suffered due to their constant lack of income. Ailey’s family was basically working class and his mother picked cotton and occasionally did domestic chores for the more affluent white families (Cardwell 2006, p.38). This childhood of want and inequality had influenced the development of Ailey’s political views early on. However, it took time before this actually was brought out into the open through his choreography. Prompted by his keen interest in dance, Ailey went to undergo formal training in dance with the tutelage of Lester Horton, who was recognized then as the principal promoter of the modern dance in Los Angeles. In the 1940’s, it was in Los Angeles and New York only that African Americans could train alongside with the whites. It was also during this period that Ailey was able to come across other African America dance artists who trained under Ho rton. When Horton died though, Ailey took over the company. As a result, he achieved a freer hand in determining the styles and contents of every dance production that the company came up with. During these particular times though, it was clear that Ailey was more concerned with the rapid development of his artistic talents in dance, as well as the continuous improvement of his dancer’s talents. However, by 1958, when the struggle for the civil rights of African Americans reached its peak, Ailey also began to show his political inclinations. The most glaring examples of these are Blue Suite and Revelations, which â€Å"focused on the experience of African Americans† (Foulkes 2002, p. 180). Both dance productions highlighted the uniqueness of the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Industrial Revolution in Modern British History Essay

Industrial Revolution in Modern British History - Essay Example Hence, moving to towns to work in mills and factories was inevitable not forgetting that factory owners built houses for workers making them motivated. Many analysts regard industrial revolution as the most important event in modern British history because, many transformations that brought tremendous effects on social, economic as well as cultural activities of Britons took place during this period. Change in means of agriculture, mineral extraction, manufacturing of goods, means of transport, and technological advancements led to a major turning point of United Kingdom’s history since close to all daily aspects of life transformed in one way or the other. To begin with, due to improved models of attaining relevant targets of work, the average income of most people together with population commenced depicting unprecedented and sustained growth. It was during this time when most masses of ordinary people began exhibiting sustained change in terms of their living standards due to economic growth (Spievogel, 2010:432). Industrial revolution led to vast change of agricultural activities. Before, industrial revolution, farmers in the United Kingdom used to languish in dire poverty, headed solitary and nasty lives. However, their lives changed drastically when industrial revolution brought about use of farm machines such as threshers that led to advent agricultural production. In 1750, Britain became the leading agricultural producing country in the world due to improved technological advancements in agriculture and market and economic integration (Spievogel, 2010:288). With reference to agricultural development that occurred during industrial revolution, analysts consider industrial revolution as vital to most Britons today since those inventions are still useful and reliable up to date. Due to industrial revolution in Britain, scientists developed complex technologies that led to massive production of deadly weapons that British fighters used during the Sec ond World War. In addition, industrial revolution resulted to formation of very great armies equipped with airplanes, submarines, bombs, tanks, guns and many other armaments that Britain industrialist were producing in vast numbers (Foud, 2004:183). Furthermore, Britain was able to conquer more countries since it needed more colonies for extraction of raw materials, slaves, and market for her new manufactured products. Industrial revolution ensured sufficient supply of armaments during the war hence Britain was able to protect its interests due to impacts of advanced technology. Moreover, this epoch time of industrial revolution led Britain to total domination of the seas. This happened due to its strong military force making it possible and easier to gain total control of the oceanic transportation and trading activities. Through ocean trade, she could ferry her manufactured products, such as tea, tobacco, and sugar to different markets that boosted the economy of this country to a different level. Consequently, due to increasing demand for investments, the country’s national banking system ensured adequate supply of capital since it had surplus finances for use in commerce (Foud, 2004:209). Additionally, industrial revolution time in Britain will remain unique since inventions and innovations of all time occurred during this time. John Kay invented the flying shuttle a machine

Friday, August 23, 2019

India’s Classical Age Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

India’s Classical Age - Essay Example It is believed that Kalidasa was one of the nine gems in the court of the great Vikramaditya. Therefore, it is evident that some influence of the socio-political elements of the period can be traced in the plot of the great drama as no literature is free from the local and contemporary social influences. The great drama by Kalidasa, in the similar fashion, captivates the rich and glorious heritage of India and its tradition. We come to know that kings were fond of hunting and as the opening scene shows the king set out for hunting and chasing the antelopes, Sakoontala indeed is a great material to be incorporated as a film. The plot of the drama and its narrative structure captivates great dramatic element. Along with that character portrayal and character development of the drama give the play a total cinematic dimension. All the characters are portrayed brilliantly and coherently for the support of the plot and its development. A thorough focus on the main characters that of Sakoontala and Dushyanta launches its readers to a better understanding of the play incorporated as a film. The tender and innocent Sakoontala at the lap of nature falls in love with the king. Her love is fresh and pure as the nature. Amid the charm of the nature and enchantment of the nature girl Sakoontala, the king is enamoured in the love of the nature and the young tender girl with the ferocity of lightening and charm of an antelope. But their departure and the trajectory which the tender girl from the lap of the nature, Sakoontala undertakes launch her to a n evolved character of a matured fighter of her social rights and give a complete coherence to the plot and trajectory of the character development. On the other hand, the character transformation of Dushyanta, the king also is worth appreciation. His journey from falling in love to forgetting it and finding the lost love once more supports the plot development and trajectory of Sakoontala’s character equally

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lady Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Lady Macbeth Essay Macbeth was a play written by William Shakespeare in 1608. It is a very intriguing play. This essay will concentrate on Macbeths wife, Lady Macbeth and how her character undergoes extreme changes from Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 5 Scene 1. Lady Macbeth is an extremely dominant character, a principal catalyst for Macbeths rein, but towards the concluding part of the remarkable play, Lady Macbeth feels, and is relatively unimportant to Macbeth due to his ego and the confidence the three witches bestow him. Macbeth then had no specific reason to rely on Lady Macbeth for her strength and determination. Lady Macbeth then became overwhelmed with guilt and grew to be increasingly unstable. Part 1 Act 1 Scene 5 Act 1 Scene 5 is an extremely important scene because it is the preliminary time that the audience perceive Lady Macbeth. In this captivating scene Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth informing her of his new title, Thane of Cawdor and of the three witches prophecies. Lady Macbeth fears that Macbeth is not malicious enough to fulfil his ambitions of becoming King. Thus I may pour my spirits in thine ear, And chastise with the valour of my tongue This illustrates that she knows that if she was going to be the Queen of Scotland then she would have to persuade Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She is incredibly determined to be a powerful queen. Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be what thou art promisd This implies that Lady Macbeth is indomitable and will not give up her cause until she has won. Lady Macbeth is also unbelievably manipulative. She realized that if she wanted to have her status as Queen then she would have to persuade Macbeth to carry out the unlawful deed. She knew she was a very powerful woman and that she had power over Macbeth, so the task set ahead of her, she thought, was not going to be excessively challenging. Thou which cries, Thus must do, if thou have it; This shows us Lady Macbeths manipulative side. She says that the crown cries out for it to be taken from the throne. This is someone who obviously desires something desperately. The extent of her ambition turns her to the supernatural world. Her ambition has overthrown her body and she calls upon the spirits to turn her into the opposite sex. She wants to cross over to the darker, masculine side so she could have the power and the strength to carry out the murder she has so carefully planned out. This gives the feel of unnaturalness. Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here, this implies that Lady Macbeth is rather unbalanced from her entrance to the play, but as the play continues she gradually becomes worse. Lady Macbeth is an extremely evil person. She calls upon the spirits to assist her in the unlawful death of King Duncan. fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty This helps us understand how Lady Macbeth feels about the plan to murder. She is ruthless and has no compassion. She wants to ignore any goodness there is left in her body. She plans the killing of King Duncan with no remorse. This scene, presumably, shocked many audiences in the 17th century, this is mainly because Lady Macbeth is the dominant person in the marriage. This was extremely rare in the sixteen-hundreds because the male sex was labelled the stronger sex. The planning of King Duncan could have also stunned the audience because the planning was so merciful. Over the next few acts Lady Macbeth slowly looses her sanity. Though after the slaughter of King Duncan, Lady Macbeth takes control and places the murder weapon by the guards. She also orders Macbeth to wash the blood off his hand. And wash this filthy witness from your hand. This shows that she does not want any piece of evidence to link them to the murder. Lady Macbeth faints after Macbeth admits to killing the guards. Lady Macbeths use of language is extremely powerful and persuasive. Stop up the access and passage to remorse, this is just a fragment of Lady Macbeth strong language but it implies that she is a very strong, powerful young women. Part 2 Act 5 Scene 1 This scene is the last scene that the audience will observe Lady Macbeth. This scene is especially significant as the last time the audience saw Lady Macbeth was in the banquet scene, where Macbeth seemed to be unstable. Although Lady Macbeth is noticeably weaker she was still in control. In Act 5 Scene 1 she looses control on her life and has lost her sanity. Lady Macbeth has now lost her sanity completely. In the night she sleepwalks acting out the murder of King Duncan she repeatedly did this until she awoke. Concerned maids of Lady Macbeth brought in a doctor to examine her. The doctor soon discovered Macbeth and Lady Macbeth shameful secret. But the secret did not arise to the public due to a maid convincing the doctor otherwise. This is her very guise; and, upon my life, fast asleep. This is the gentlewomen trying to tell the doctor that Lady Macbeth is asleep. Lady Macbeth is extremely scared by this point, she can not be taken any where at night without a candle, she was terrified of darkness, a complete contrast from Act 1 Scene 5 where she called upon darkness block out any light coming through from the good side. she has a light by her continually; this implies that she is even too scared in her sleep to walk without a candle. Lady Macbeth is overwhelmed with guilt, you can see because throughout the scene she is constantly washing the blood of her hands, the same blood that she told Macbeth to wash off in Act 1 Scene 5. She told him to wash his hands so she could leave the guilt behind in the dirty bowl. Out damned spot! Out this show her desperation and it also implies that she wants to dispose of the guilt she has rapped up inside her body, but her mind will not let her. Her behaviour now shows that she was naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve to think she could have disposed of the guilt so easily. The language Lady Macbeth uses now is extremely different. Now, towards the end of her malicious life she is no longer a strong speaker. She speaks in riddles, this shows her mental state. The Thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now? She is talking in riddles, which do not make much sense; her life at that time did not make much sense; her speech is reflecting her life. The audience, at this part of the play are intended to feel sorry for Lady Macbeth because of her mental state and her health. In a way Lady Macbeth deserved what happened to her because she was a very evil person, but nobody deserves to be mentally unstable.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Effects of Child Abuse Essay Example for Free

Effects of Child Abuse Essay Child abuse is a prevailing problem in society that must be addressed at the soonest possible time. However, it is one of the most difficult problems to address as well since there are only certain ways by which it can be monitored. What makes it even harder is the fact that the parents themselves are sometimes the abusers. Thus, it sometimes difficult to help the child since his primary guardian is the abuser himself. Child abuse by parents can be extremely detrimental to children. The effects of such abuse may become evident during their childhood or when the child grows up and enters adulthood. The long-term consequences of child abuse are sometimes grave enough that they ruin the life of the adult. Experiences of child abuse as a child affect not just the personality of the adult but his relationship with his parents as well. For obvious reasons, when parents abuse their children, they strain their relationship with the children. One cannot expect an adult, who was abused by his parent as a child, to maintain a close relationship with them. Child abuse has psychological effects that may hinder the development of the person’s character and identity. This is especially true the abuser is the parent. For instance, the abused child is expected to have low self-esteem that stems from the fact that his own parents do not love him. Abusing him is a clear sign to him that they do not love him. Thus, without his parents’ love, the individual may lack the self confidence and self esteem to function in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The abuse causes the child to distance himself from the parent. Later on, as he grows up, this often translates to difficulty in forming attachments with other adults and his peers. The child’s insecurity and lack of self-esteem can extend to his adult life. Thus, when the child becomes an adult, he does not feel secured and more importantly, he lives a restrained life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These consequences and effects of child abuse do not only affect the individual’s life. These consequences challenge the very ideals upon which the American way of life is built upon. Americans believe that they have the right to have a family who enjoys security and freedom. However, the mere fact that the children are abused within the confines of their very own homes and within their own families, the idea of being secure is greatly eroded. Moreover, the abuse hinders the freedom of the child. As the child grows up, he does so with such American ideals left in ruins. In a way, the abuse he experienced as a child may reflect on how he treats his own children as he forms a family of his own.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The effects of parental child abuse of any kind exhibit themselves as the child becomes an adult. It is an experience that the individual bears with him long after the acts were committed. Not only does the abuse mold his personality, it affects his ideals in life as well. His ideals on family, society, and relationships are changed and may transfer to his own family. Such transfer may become chain reaction which will be to the detriment of society in general. It is for this reason that the problem must be acted on and must be prevented as much as possible.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Data Stream Classification Of Red And White Wines Marketing Essay

Data Stream Classification Of Red And White Wines Marketing Essay Introduction Well we got 2 data sets to analysis using SPSS PASW 1) Wine Quality Data Set and 2) The Poker Hand Data Set. We can do this using CRISP methodology. Let us look what is CRISP by wikipedia CRISP-DM stands for Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining It is a data mining process model that describes commonly used approaches that expert data miners use to tackle problems. PASW Modeler is a data mining workbench that enables you to quickly develop predictive models using business expertise and deploy them into business operations to improve decision making. Designed around the industry-standard CRISP-DM model, IBM SPSS PASW Modeler supports the entire data mining process, from data to better business results. CRISP DM, Clementines own lightweight methodology of 5 stages Business Understanding, Data Understanding, Data Preparation Modelling, Evaluation and Deployment. CRISP Methodology Business Understanding: Understanding the project requirements objectives from a business perspective, and then converting this knowledge into a data mining problem definition Data understanding In this step following activities are going on, Data understanding, Collecting Initial Data then describing Data, Exploring Data and lastly verifying Data Quality The data preparation phase Tasks include table, record, and attribute selection as well as transformation and cleaning of data for modeling tools.Cleaning Data using appropriate cleaning and cleansing strategies then Integrating Data into a single point. Modeling: Selection and application of various modeling techniques done in this phase, and their parameters are adjusted to optimal values. Basically, there are more than one technique for the same data mining problem type. Some techniques have specific requirements on the form of data. Therefore, stepping back to the data preparation phase is often needed. Steps consist of Generating a Test Design, Building the Models assessing the Model Evaluation Building of model (or models) takes place in this phase. Before proceeding to final deployment of the model, it is important to more thoroughly evaluate the model, and review the steps executed to construct the model. Deployment In the final stage Knowledge gained is organized presented so that an end user can easily use it. As per the requirements this can be a report or a complex data mining process. Normally Customers carry out the deployment step Wine quality data set Wine quality is modeled under classification and regression approaches, which preserves the order of the grades. Explanatory knowledge is given in terms of a sensitivity analysis, which measures the response changes when a given input variable is varied through its domain The red wine data set contains 1600 samples out of which I have selected 200 random samples and doing the analysis(Data mining cannot discover patterns that may be present in the larger body of data if those patterns are not present in the sample being mined ) .So I selected the data set bearing in mind. The data set I have selected has high confidence. With measurements of 13 chemical constituents (e.g. alcohol, Mg) and the goal is to find the quality of red and white wine. Input variables 1 fixed acidity 2 volatile acidity 3 citric acid 4 residual sugar 5 chlorides 6 free sulphur dioxide 7 total sulfur dioxide 8 density 9 pH 10 sulphates 11 alcohol Output variable is quality (score between 0 and 10) CRISP methodology has been followed through out the phase .By checking the web site and resources learned about the wine domain .the next step was to check whether incorrect, missing or abnormal values in the data set end ensure the data quality. Data quality of the data set is very good. PASW Data stream classification of red and white wines Classification for Red and White wine 2 data sets red wine and white wine have been imported using variable file nodes Use of type node here is to describe the characteristics of data. . The Classification and Regression (CR) Tree node is a tree-based classification and prediction method. Similar to C5.0, this method uses recursive partitioning to split the training records into segments with similar output field values. The CR Tree node starts by examining the input fields to find the best split, measured by the reduction in an impurity index that results from the split. The split defines two subgroups, each of which is subsequently split into two more subgroups, and so on, until one of the stopping criteria is triggered. All splits are binary (only two subgroups) Red Wines variable importance White wine variable importance From variable importance diagram we can say that important attribute to determine Red wine quality is pH. The variable importance is in the order pH, citric acid, chloride as shown in the figure1. But for determining White wines quality the most contributing attribute is chloride and 2nd attribute is Alcohol. Decision Tree Model of white wine (only a portion) Analysis and conclusion The above generated tree consists of nodes and its children. The top node represent the total number of wine samples and how many number belongs to different categories(1 to 9).The first split is on chloride. This implies that most of the wine belongs to chloride level0.041.We see that good quality wine has chloride level It has been found from count Vs Quality graph that how many belongs to good quality categories. Alcoholic concentration of white wine samples is more than that of red wine sample. Good wines normally have high concentration. So we can conclude that White wine samples are good. In the white wine chloride level is normally high that implies it has got good Aroma. Where as in red wine the citric level is between particular levels that shows the red wine is very tasty!! PASW has got a number of 2-D and 3-D charts like bar, pie, histogram, scatter etc for time being I am using linear graph and 3-d scatter graph. You can use any of the graph as per the requirements. Some graphs are easy to interpret .Let us consider a 2-D graph between most contributing variable pH and quality from the graph it is clear that the relation ship between pH and quality is in such a way that if pH is in between 3.23 and 3.27 quality is good. Quality is very low for 3.38 and 3.50.We can plot similar graph between quality and citric acid or towards what ever contributing variable then find out the relation ship between them 2-D graph represent the relation ship between quality and pH of Red wine Let us plot a graph between chloride and Quality for the white wine. In the below figure it shows the quality is very good when chloride level below 0.036.And quality in the range 5 to 6 when chloride level is above .048. Like this if plot a graph between quality and alcohol we will see the quality is too good if alcoholic concentration in between 12.5 and 13(as per the sample I have analyzed) 3D graph which shows the relation ship between alcohol, quality and chloride level of white wine from the 2d analysis it was shown how the quality is being affected by single variable. If the one variable does not tell about how quality being related we can check relation ship between 3 variables using a 3d graph. It is having 3 axes. How Regression is useful In this multiple regression ,Predictors such as (Constant), alcohol, fixed acidity, residual sugar, chlorides, volatile acidity, free sulfur dioxide, sulphates, pH, total sulfur dioxide, citric acid, density determine the value of quality. Below gave a Pasw stream for regression. As per the variable importance graph volatile acidity, total SO2 and alcohol are most important variables in Regression analysis. Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .792(a) .626 .474 .542 Each by changing the independent variables value we can get value of dependent variable quality. With the help of a hypothesis we need to understand and build a relation ship among the variables. To predict the mean quality value for a given independent variable (say volatile acidity) we need a line which passes between the mean value of both quality and volatile acidity and which minimize the sum of distance between each of the points and predictive line. This fits into a line. The Poker Hand Data Set Each record is an example of a hand consisting of five playing cards drawn from a standard deck of 52. Each card is described using two attributes (suit and rank), for a total of 10 predictive attributes. There is one Class attribute that describes the Poker Hand. The order of cards is important and there are 480 possible Royal Flush hands. Below discussing about how to determine poker hands using data mining. I am considering classification only. If we consider clustering/Regression it does not make any sense PASW MODEL CLASSIFICATION USING CRT ALGORITHAM We got training and testing data set .First applying a model on training data set. Source file is a Comma separated file (CSV) with 1 million rows. It is difficult to do analyse on this input data set so selected sample data set and doing the analysis. Problem faced The given source data was not in a meaning full format so I have given meaningful attribute name and Values by using Vlookup function in MS excel, now the data has become more meaning full and it looks like below. Data cleansing is very important and comes under data preparation phase of the methodology Accuracy of predictive model The accuracy of predictive model is checked by analysis node. It has been found that accuracy is 90%. Using the Algorithm need to predict any of these: 0: Nothing in hand; 1: One pair;2: Two pairs;3: Three of a kind;4: Straight;5: Flush; 6: Full house;7: Four of a kind;8: Straight flush;9: Royal flush; Pocker hands variable importance diagram Let me say what did I understood from the diagram. Rank2 (rank of card2) is most contributing variable to predict poker hands. It is clear that Rank of 1st, 4th and 2nd cards are more contributing than suit of those cards. The different section of pie chart represents number of cards in a particular poker category. Blue represents No Poker; Red represents ONE PAIR, Green represent Royal flesh How Pasw helps to do classification Pasw has got number tree constructing algorithms(CR, c5.0) to do classification. I considered Classification and Regression (CR) though this is not a time efficient algorithm time complexity is more when compared to c5.0)I selected CR.The data set I have got is simple one and I am not considering the deep analysis all I need to do is to predict poker hands so CR can do it. Below shows the constructed tree using CR (Ashort description of tree already given above) Analysis Data has been classified into Training set and Testing set .Here most of the data set into a training set and small portion of data is used for testing.After a model has been processed by using the Training set, we can test the model by making predictions against the Test set. Since the data in the training set already contains known values for the attribute that you want to predict. Below giving the portion of training set being used. Integrating classification and association rule mining can produce more efficient and accurate classifiers.Here each row is an instance Trial: pair of 5 attributes (SUIT and RANK) + classification class. So this can be used to predict the classification of other unclassified instances. consider the training set given below suit1 rank1 suit2 rank2 suit3 rank3 suit4 rank4 suit5 Rank5 poker Heart ASS heart KING spades 4 Spades 3 heart QUEEN Nothing in hand Diamonds QUEEN diamonds 2 diamonds JACK Clubs 5 spades 5 ONE PAIR Hearts 10 hearts jack hearts king Hearts queen hearts 1 royal flesh Spades Jack spades king spades 10 Spades queen spades 1 royal flesh Diamond queen diamond jack diamond king diamond 10 diamond 1 royal flesh Hearts 5 diamond king spades king spades 7 clubs 5 two pairs Hearts 4 hearts 1 hearts 3 diamond 5 diamond 2 straight Suppose want to predict below hand is what type of Poker hand? suit1 rank1 suit2 rank2 suit3 rank3 suit4 rank4 suit5 rank5 poker Club 10 club jack club A club king club queen From the training set data the testing set is predicted, answer is Royal Flesh Conclusion Two data sets the wine and poker have been analysed using CRISP methodology and using the tool IBM SPSS PASW, used different modelling techniques which suits. Analysed the knowledge elicited by each model DATA MINING KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY IN MARKETING (PART 2) Abstract Now-a-days Using the high power computing and information technology enables to collect store and process complex Marketing data. Data mining is used to extract knowledge from this marketing data. This report discuss about Data mining process, short discussion about different mining techniques such as classification tree, neural network, Regression and their application in marketing domain. My report Also cover different type of analyzes and tasks being used Introduction From the given topics I have selected the topic Data mining and Knowledge discovery for marketing since my cup of tea is Business and computing. I would always like to do research in Business analytics .Well let us look at what is data mining Data mining is the process of discovery of interesting, meaningful and actionable patterns hidden in large amounts of data . This is one of the tools to transform data into information. It is widely used in almost all fields of science and business profiling practice such as marketing, fraud detection, and scientific discovery. The technique to uncover pattern on data can also apply on sample data .so the sample data should be so the sample should be a good representative of larger data set. data mining can not find out the pattern which may be present in larger body of data and not contains in the small sub set of data. So this is very useful when sufficiently represented data are collected Most well known branches of data mining is knowledge discovery or KDD It derives knowledge from input data .This knowledge which have got from the process will become additional data and can be used for further discovery in related field normally an analyst can analysis and predict it.DM can generate thousands of pattern but all these patterns are not interested and useful. In this I am considering Data mining in a marketing field prospective. The data coming from different sources like transactions, loyalty cards, and discount coupons; customer complaint calls public life style studies using this data we can make Target marketing like to identify appropriate customer segments for new marketing initiatives determine customer purchasing pattern over time associations/co-relations between product sales, predict based on such association I mean cross market analysis what type of customer buys what type of product that is customer profiling Predict likelihood of customer churn and target those likely to leave with retention campaigns Customer requirement analysis like Identify the best products for different groups of customers and Predict what factors will attract new customers Provision of summary information such as Multidimensional summary reports and Statistical summary information (data central tendency and variation) Another question is why can not we go for a traditional data analysis instead of data mining? Answer is the field like marketing has tremendous Amount of data and it has multi dimension and complexity.A Marketing firm would likely to segment their customers into similar groups or clusters in order to better understand consumer behavior and more effectively market their products. In the past for a small business initiatives did not have trouble to understand their customers. They knew what they have to do once a customer approach them .Todays business is more competitive, more customer oriented, more products oriented so it is very difficult to understand the customer behavior, wants, needs the hidden relation ship between the data and preferences. With the help of data mining an analyst can deliver timely, personalized promotional offers. 1 Knowledge Discovery (KDD) Process S2 S1 S3 Data Cleaning Data Integration Databases Data Warehouse Knowledge Task-relevant Data Selection Data Mining Pattern Evaluation Normally in the huge DWH data mining environment data coming from various sources integrated and put it in data warehousing. Various data mining soft wares like teradata intelligent miners are used to mine Tera bytes of data and find market prediction. As I mentioned the DM is a Tools for developing predictive and descriptive models. Some are statistical method such as regression. Other use non statistical method like neural networks, classification trees. Here I considered some important tools then their How Classification trees are being used in marketing data mining Classification tree partition the data to maximize the difference in the dependent variable. it is also called a decision tree. Aim of classification tree is to classify the data into distinct groups or branches that create the strongest separation in the values of the dependent variables.The tree can identify segments. This can be helpful when a company is trying to understand what is driving market behavior. It detects nonlinear relationship. Mailed 10000 2.6% Male 4677 3.2% Female 2.15 2.1 % 1.7%  £30-45 3.6% > £45 4.1% Age>40 4.3% Age 0.7% Box shows resp rate in percentage The tree growth is through series of steps and rules .say for example sales pieces were mailed to 100000 names and yielded a response rate of 2.6%.the first split is on gender. This indicates that greatest difference between responders and non responders is gender. We see that males are much more responsive than females. We would consider males the better target group If we stop after one split. Our goal is to find out group with in both genders that discriminates between responders and non responders. In the next level split male and female groups are considered separately The second level split from the male node is on income, this implies that the income level varies in most between responders and non responders among the males. For female greatest difference is among the age group .It is very easy to identify the group with the highest response rate. Lets say that management decides to mail only to groups where the response rate is more than 3.5%.the offers would be directed to males who makes more than  £30000 a year and female over age 40 Some typical Classification tree Algorithms are 1) C4.5: Quinlan, J. R. C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning. Morgan Kaufmann., 1993. 2) CART: L. Breiman, J. Friedman, R. Olshen, and C. Stone. Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth, 1984 Linear regression and its applicability in marketing Knowledge of deviation from normal is very important for a marketer. In the past such deviations were very difficult to detect. Now-a-days data mining tools give great flexibility to detect and classify these changes. It is a statistical technique that quantifies the relationship between dependent variable and the independent variable, these are continuous. Consider the below equation, it shows a relation ship between sales and advertising along the regression equation .Our goal is to predict the sales based on the amount spend on advt. Plot a graph sales vs. advt that would be linear. A key measure of the strength of the relationship is the R-square. It measures the amount of overall variation in data that explained by the model. More than 70% Of the variation in sales can be explained by variation in advertising. Some times the relationship between sales and Advt is non linear (may be curvilinear) .By using the square root of advertising we are able to find better fit for the data. Sales=17.813+.0897*Advertising  £120  £1,503  £160  £1,755  £205  £2,971  £210  £1,682  £225  £3,497  £230  £1,998  £290  £4,598  £315  £2,937  £375  £3,622  £390  £4,402  £440  £3,844  £475  £4,470  £490  £5,492MINIMIZE SQUARED ERROR Advt sales ADVEGRTISIN -Æ’Â   x axis When building targeting models for marketing, risk and CRM, it is common to have much predictive variable. Using multiple predictive or independent continuous variables to predict a single continuous variable is called multiple linear regression .Targeting model created using linear regression is generally very robust. In marketing they can be used alone or in combination with other model. Neural Networks and its applicability in marketing Neural network does not follow any statistical distribution (Neural network is very vast topic a complete discussion is beyond the scope of this report) .it is modeled after the function of the human brain. The process is one of pattern recognition and error minimization. we can say it as nodes that are arranged in layers. The figure tells simple neural network with one hidden layer. Data has been classified into training and testing set (before the process).Then weight or input is assigned to each of the nodes in the first layer. During each iteration ,the input are processed through the system and compared to the actual value .the error is measured and fed back through the system to adjust the weights. The weights get better at predicting the actual results. A error limit is defined and it check with the error limit the process finishes when the minimum error limit reached One specific type of neural network commonly used in marketing uses sigmoidal functions to fit each node. This technique is very powerful in fitting a binary or twoilevel outcome such as response to an offer or a default on a loan Neural network not only pick linear data but also do a good pick up with non linear relation ship in the data. So this allows fitting data which is not possible to fit using regression. One disadvantage we can say that the result of neural net work is some what difficult to interpret A brief description on how Clustering can applicable in data mining Cluster analysis Cluster analysis group respondents with similar behaviors, preferences, or characteristics into segments. By doing so we can understand important similarities and differences between the respondents. Analyst can use this information to develop targeted marketing strategies, or to provide subgroups for analysis. In market survey data, clustering enables market researchers to group respondents who provide similar responses on several questions. In Clustering we use more than one variable that analyzes responses to several questions in order to find similar respondents. Clustering is based on the concept of creating groups based on their proximity to, or distance from, each other. Respondents within a cluster, therefore, are relatively homogenous. Most widely used Algorithms are 1)K-Means: MacQueen, J. B., Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations, in Proc. 5th Berkeley Symp. Mathematical Statistics and Probability, 1967 2) BIRCH: Zhang, T., Ramakrishna, R., and Livny, M. 1996. BIRCH: an efficient data clustering method for very large databases. In SIGMOD 96 Let us look at some more major areas of application of data mining in the marketing like Customer profiling, Deviation analysis and Trend analysis. The pattern which formed after mining the data helps in analytics. Customer profiling This help to predict several marketing decision. A customer profile is a model of customer based on this marketer decides on the right strategies and tactics to meet the needs of that customer .The data mining task used in customer profiling can be dependency analysis, class identification and concept description. Below giving set of transaction that can help marketer to construct useful customer profiles. Frequency of purchases Marketing firm can build targeted promotion offer such as frequent buyer programs by looking how often their customer purchases product from their shop. Rcency of purchases The meaning of term is How long has it been since this customer last placed an order? Suppose a customer frequently visit the shop.It has been found that the specific customer or customer group not visiting the firm over long period of time .Market investigate the reason. By knowing this they can take appropriate offer or action. Size of purchases It tells, on a particular transaction how much he or she spends. This information helps to give resources to those customer groups. Identifying typical customer groups It gives characteristics of each group .For example a profile indicating that the customer has purchased a WINDOWS 7 SOFTWARE CD may hold to the marketer offering a special deal for MICROSOFT OFFICE SOFTWARE CD. Prospecting Customer profiles like buying patterns, give clues to the marketer on prospective customers. Say for example, consider the pattern Purchase of Norton Anti Virus package with one year validity is followed by purchase of Norton Up gradation version /or new version within 11 months about 85% of the time by high income customers discovered by data mining. Analyst who analysis pattern can identify the prospective customers for Upgraded/new version based on first time purchase details and tailor the mail catalog accordingly, thus, increasing the prospect of sales. 2 Deviation analysis Deviation analysis is one of the important analysis for example a higher than normal credit purchase on a credit card can be a fraud anomaly or a genuine purchase by the customer changes.Once a deviation has been discovered as a fraud, the marketer takes appropriate steps to prevent such frauds and initiates corrective action.If the deviation has been discovered as a change, further information collection is necessary. For example, a change can be that a customer got a new job and moved to a new house. In this case, the marketer has to update the knowledge about the customer. 3) Trend analysis Trends are patterns that persist over a period of time. Trends could be short-term trends like the immediate increase and subsequent slow decrease of sales following a sales campaign. Or, trends could be long-term, like the slow flattening of sales of a product over a few years. Data mining tools, such as visualization, help us detect trends, sometimes very subtle and hidden in the database, which would have been missed using traditional analysis tools like scatter plots. In marketing decisions, trends can be used for evaluating marketing programs or to forecast future sales. Data mining task in marketing data mining domain These tasks present in all data mining process we are just looking it into marketing prospective Dependency analysis Data Visualization Class identification Deviation Detection Concept Description Dependency analysis The market basket analysis gives the relationship between different product purchased by a customer .Using this techniques we can develop marketing strategy for promoting product that have dependency relationship in customers mind. Class identification It groups customers into classes which are defined in advance. Mathematical taxonomy and clustering are being used for class identification task. What the first one does is it maximizes the similarity with in classes but minimize similarity between classes. In clustering approach it determine the clustering according to attribute similarity as well as conceptual cohesiveness as defined by domain knowledge (describe above). A company doing business over the net, based on the session log data of internet users, the firm can classify the web users into email only users Surfers or Just for fun Surfer etc Concept description Comparison analysis will be done using statistical techniques. Using this we can compare marketing and customer knowledge. Deviation detection This helps us to determine the anomaly and changes. We can find the anomaly from various statistical techniques. This is already being explained above. Data visualization This kind of softwares allows the market research team or concerned people to view complex 3-D and 2-D patterns. They also provide drill down drill up slice facilities. In the KDD (knowledge discovery from data base) process, data visualization is used in association with other tasks such as dependency analysis, class identification, deviation detection and clustering. IBM SPSS PASW has got good data visualization techniques. Some of them are explained in Part 1 of the report. Conclusion Report discussed about Data mining process,

Essay --

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a fatal condition, associated with a high mortality rate and it is difficult to treat. Amend hypoxia, enhance respiratory mechanics in order to optimize gas exchange are the main goals in treating ARDS patients. Management of patient with ARDS secondary to inhalation injury in burns intensive care unit (BICU) is including mechanical ventilator support, pharmacological adjuncts and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support. Prone positioning act as an adjunctive treatment in treating ARDS patients was acknowledged by many journal articles and also was mentioned in our respiratory failure and ARDS lecture. It improves oxygenation in most of the patients with ARDS. As mentioned in the lecture, until recently, no convincing evidence shows that prone positioning would help with better mortality rate. Meanwhile prone position is not practicing for ARDS patients in BICU in Singapore due to certain complications. Content ARDS is a life threatening condition, various definitions have been proposed. Fast diagnose improves the effect of treatment. However, till the year of 1994, The North American-European Consensus Conference (NAECC) published the criteria for diagnosis of ARDS (Appendix I). Carlson, Good, Kirkwood, and Schulman (2009) stated that the clinical presentation of ARDS including bilateral pulmonary infiltrates, acute onset of hypoxia resistant to supplemental oxygen, tachypnea, and decreased alveolar compliance. It is important to point out that ARDS is not a disease but a syndrome. It is associated with underlying clinical disease such as pneumonia, trauma or sepsis. As mentioned in the lecture, Inhalation injury is one of the common causes of direct lung injury ... ...limit damage from fibrin deposition in the alveolar space and microcirculation in ARDS. It is safe and effective in reducing lung injury (Miller, Rivero, Ziad, Smith & Elamin, 2009). Nebulized heparin and acetylcysteine is usually prescribed for post inhalation burned patients for five to seven days during the hospital stay. In order to reduce oxidants stress and airway obstruction caused by fibrin casts, the using of bronchodilators, anticoagulants, antioxidants and corticosteroids was studied and approved by researchers. The study also shows that heparin nebuliazation may provide pulmonary anticoagulation to absorb the fibrin cast. It is a common practice to administer nebulized N-acetylcysteine in alternation with heparin in BICU post inhalation burn injury due to the efficient antioxidant and mucolytic effects. ( Elsharnouby, Eid, Elezz, and Aboelatta, 2014).

Monday, August 19, 2019

William Faulkner Essay -- essays research papers

William Faulkner   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner is one of America's most talked about writers and his work should be included in any literary canon for several reasons. After reading a few of his short stories, it becomes clear that Faulkner's works have uniqueness to them. One of the qualities that make William Faulkner's writings different is his close connection with the South. Gwendolyn Charbnier states, 'Besides the sociological factors that influence Faulkner's work, biographical factors are of great importance…'; (20). Faulkner's magnificent imagination led him to create a fictional Mississippi county named Yoknapatawpha, which includes every detail from square mileage of the county to the break down of the county population by race. Faulkner's work also includes stories from the past and present. David Minter says, 'His works take us into regions and spaces we can never directly know, and also back in the time to worlds lost before we were born'; (Preface X). Of course, Faulkner's personal life has added a certain amount of excitement to his audiences. Faulkner's stories are known to reflect experiences from his own familiar life. William Faulkner should be mentioned along with any collection of classic authors because of his remarkable use of the past and present, as well as for his meticulous detail and comprehensive knowledge of the South in his writings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner's background is a very important detail that will help his readers understand the psychological implications of what he wrote and to appreciate his work. William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897. His parents were Murry and Maud Faulkner. He married Estelle Franklin in 1929. They had two children together, both daughters. The first daughter was named Alabama, and she died nine days after her birth. Jill, the second daughter, outlived her father. William Faulkner died July 6, 1962 at the age of 64. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letter in 1948 and won the Nobel Prize for Literature two years later in 1950. Although William Faulkner's life had the same chronological events as the average person, his life was far more complex an interesting than that of the average person. Faulkner tried to keep his personal life a secret, but he was woefully unsuccessful. Among many of Fa... ... collection of great authors. The five differentiating characteristics of literature are creative or visionary, specific forms, culturally and historically based, meant to provide enjoyment, and open to interpretation and intellectual challenge. William Faulkner's writing is a perfect example of what literature is meant to be like because it holds each on of the characteristics to be true. William Faulkner is known for his ability to write about the old South. Leslie A. Fiedler states that 'Faulkner [is] primarily a historian of Southern culture, or a canny technician whose evocations of terror are secondary to Jamesian experiments with 'point of view''; (384). William Faulkner's writings are unique compared to other writers because of the way that Faulkner presents the South in comparison from past to present and his ability to make the reader wonder about the point of view. Faulkner's writings are enjoyable and open the reader up to a world of interpretation and intellectual ch allenge. All of the qualities make William Faulkner's stories literature. However, it is how these qualities are shown to the reader that make William Faulkner fit to be included within any literary canon. William Faulkner Essay -- essays research papers William Faulkner   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner is one of America's most talked about writers and his work should be included in any literary canon for several reasons. After reading a few of his short stories, it becomes clear that Faulkner's works have uniqueness to them. One of the qualities that make William Faulkner's writings different is his close connection with the South. Gwendolyn Charbnier states, 'Besides the sociological factors that influence Faulkner's work, biographical factors are of great importance…'; (20). Faulkner's magnificent imagination led him to create a fictional Mississippi county named Yoknapatawpha, which includes every detail from square mileage of the county to the break down of the county population by race. Faulkner's work also includes stories from the past and present. David Minter says, 'His works take us into regions and spaces we can never directly know, and also back in the time to worlds lost before we were born'; (Preface X). Of course, Faulkner's personal life has added a certain amount of excitement to his audiences. Faulkner's stories are known to reflect experiences from his own familiar life. William Faulkner should be mentioned along with any collection of classic authors because of his remarkable use of the past and present, as well as for his meticulous detail and comprehensive knowledge of the South in his writings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Faulkner's background is a very important detail that will help his readers understand the psychological implications of what he wrote and to appreciate his work. William Faulkner was born in New Albany, Mississippi, on September 25, 1897. His parents were Murry and Maud Faulkner. He married Estelle Franklin in 1929. They had two children together, both daughters. The first daughter was named Alabama, and she died nine days after her birth. Jill, the second daughter, outlived her father. William Faulkner died July 6, 1962 at the age of 64. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letter in 1948 and won the Nobel Prize for Literature two years later in 1950. Although William Faulkner's life had the same chronological events as the average person, his life was far more complex an interesting than that of the average person. Faulkner tried to keep his personal life a secret, but he was woefully unsuccessful. Among many of Fa... ... collection of great authors. The five differentiating characteristics of literature are creative or visionary, specific forms, culturally and historically based, meant to provide enjoyment, and open to interpretation and intellectual challenge. William Faulkner's writing is a perfect example of what literature is meant to be like because it holds each on of the characteristics to be true. William Faulkner is known for his ability to write about the old South. Leslie A. Fiedler states that 'Faulkner [is] primarily a historian of Southern culture, or a canny technician whose evocations of terror are secondary to Jamesian experiments with 'point of view''; (384). William Faulkner's writings are unique compared to other writers because of the way that Faulkner presents the South in comparison from past to present and his ability to make the reader wonder about the point of view. Faulkner's writings are enjoyable and open the reader up to a world of interpretation and intellectual ch allenge. All of the qualities make William Faulkner's stories literature. However, it is how these qualities are shown to the reader that make William Faulkner fit to be included within any literary canon.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Irrigation as a Tool for Frost and Freeze Protection Essay -- Agricult

For years now farmers and researchers have understood the value of applying water to crops during periods when the temperature drops below 32oF (0oC). The temperature of 32oF is the freezing point of water and is the temperature at which crops start to become damaged due to the formation of ice crystals in their tissue cells. The point that this starts to occur is considered the crops critical temperature. The critical temperature usually is slightly lower than the freezing point of water and depends on the duration at the temperature. For example, in citrus the critical temperature at four hours is 28oF. This means that a citrus tree can stand a temperature of 28oF for four hours before sustaining damage. After four hours the damage is proportional to the time that the temperature remains below the critical temperature. Temperatures below 28oF for a short period of time (one or two hours) will cause only minimal damage. Temperatures over 28oF can be tolerated for extended periods of time with only minor damage (partial leaf burn, partial defoliation, etc., but no wood damage). Other factors such as stage of growth (if the plant is in early stages of growth or mature), fruit set (whether the crop is still on the plant or not), dormancy (whether the plant is actively growing or is dormant), plant water content (whether the plant is under water stress or not) and overall plant health will influence the critical temperature for a specific crop. There are three ways that water can transfer heat for freeze protection. The first way is through radiation. Water pumped from wells will be introduced into the field at a much higher temperature than the surrounding air temperature (in Florida the temperature for water coming from a well is... ...rmittent coverage. References Hochmuth, G.J., S.J. Lacascio, S.R. Kostewicz, and F.G. Martin. 1993. Irrigation Method and Rowcover Use for Strawberry Freeze Protection. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 188(5):575-579. Miller, F. 1977. College Physics. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. New York. Parsons, L.R., and T.A. Wheaton, 1987. Microsprinkler Irrigation for Freeze Protection: Evaporative Cooling and Extent of Protection in an Advective Freeze. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 112(6):879- 902. Parsons, L.R., T.A. Wheaton, N.D. Faryna, and J.L. Jackson. 1991. Elevated Microsprinklers Improve Protection of Citrus Trees in an Advective Freeze. Hortscience. 26(9):1149-1151. Rieger, M., F.S. Davies, and L.K. Jackson. 1986. Microsprinkler Irrigation and Microclimate of Young Orange Trees During Freeze Conditions. Hortscience. 21(6):1372-1374.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Analysis and assumption for all task

IntroductionAs a pupil of international advanced sheepskin in computing machine surveies ( NCC instruction ) , we need to make the Database Design and Development Assignment. This database assignment will let you to understand how to use informations patterning and informations analysis ways to the design and development of database solutions. Harmonizing to this assignment scenario, we will analysis and plan the database system about Research Department of a big Research and Development Company. This Research Department is responsible for can pull off the research undertakings of this company. As I understand, this research section keeps information on every research undertakings which is carried out by this company. The research section keeps the undermentioned information concern with the undertaking. These field names are full undertaking name, continuance, start day of the month, terminal day of the month, internal employee involved and their functions in the undertaking ( functions are project director, principl research worker, developer ) , employee clip, inside informations of any external employees involved in the undertaking, entire undertaking cost, expansive sum received from support bureaus and undertaking result which describes successful or unsuccessful. They besides keeps the information concern with internal employees and external employees who involved in their undertaking. For external employee, this research section keeps the undermentioned information: their name, reference, company they work for, how many hours they have worked on the undertaking, cost of employment. And this research section besides have an restrict regulation. That is external employee can merely be the two functions, chief research worker or developer among three functions. And for internal employee they keep the undermentioned information. They separate information into two parts. They are personal information and undertaking related information. In the personal information, it contains full name, age, reference, nationality, makings, research squad, ( terminal of contract day of the month besides included if the individual is left ) ; And in the undertaking related information, they keeps the internal employee involved in which undertakings, current employment station name, class, employment get downing day of the month, and current wage. But internal employee can make full all functions for every undertakings ( chief research worker, developer and undertaking director ) . Both types of employee may use the assorted functions at the same clip. The assignment intended to bring forth the entity relation diagram which describes the content and construction of the information of the Research section. And so bring forth the entities with properties and the key of primary and foreign. Then normalise the signifier design to table and set up the ensuing tabular array by utilizing the Data Base Management System ( DBMS ) and enter the trial information to the relevant tabular arraies. Then produce the question which is given in undertaking of assignment by utilizing SQL statement. Then retrieve the needed records from the relevant tabular array.Analysis and Assumption for All undertakingsUndertaking 1 is to pull the Entity Relationship Diagram of Research section which explains content and construction of the informations held by Research Department of the big research and Development Company. Harmonizing to the undertaking scenario, we got 12 entities for research section. They are valid undertaking, valid project/project, researc h, employment, employment/internal employee, internal employee, internal employee assign, undertaking assign, external employee assign, external employee, function, and undertaking. Then we produce the logical diagram with relationships. And so, we have produced the physical entity relationship Diagram by analysing the logical diagram. We besides consider how those entities relate. We can cognize how to divide the tabular array and how to associate the ensuing entities by making this undertaking. We can acquire more understanding how to pull a entity relationship diagram. Undertaking 2 is to bring forth the ensuing tabular arraies from entity relationship Diagram and stipulate which is the primary keys and foreign keys. Then, we produce the entities with possible properties by the scenario. If you want, you can see the some extra properties for your tabular arraies. We can cognize how to transport the properties and how to delegate the key of primary and foreign. In undertaking 3, we normalize the four signifier design to tabular arraies. And we besides need to depict the stairss of standardization for these tabular arraies. In this undertaking, we will divide by sing the properties or Fieldss non to double. We can cognize how to make standardization for tabular array. Undertaking 4 is to construct the consequence of normalized tabular arraies as the database design and put up the possible well-designed trial informations at minimal 5 records for each tabular array. And take the information base direction system ( DBMS ) to construct the tabular array. For this undertaking, we choose the Microsoft Access 2003 for constructing the consequence tabular array. And so we set up the consequence tabular arraies by utilizing the entree 2003. And so we have entered the possible trial informations more than 5 records in the corresponding tabular array. By doing this undertaking, we have got how to construct a database system and how to enter the informations in the relevant tabular array. Undertaking 5 is to make the questions utilizing the Structured Query Language ( SQL ) . In this undertaking, we have created three questions harmonizing with the relevant tabular array. First, we produce the question which displays the name of all of Heads of Department together with other functions which they employ and the current station that they hold. The Second, we produce the question which display the name of all the current Senior Lecturers with the section name that they employ and their full wage which include the amount of the wage and the entire extra payment of all that they will have for function. The 3rd, we produce the question which display the name all of Heads of Mathematics Department from 2000 to the present and current station and making. By doing this undertaking, we have known how to make question better and how to recover the information from the relevant tabular array. By doing this assignment, we have got many experiences about the database system and how to analysis, design and implement. And so we have improved our cognition of the database system.